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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'TechoBook' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'TechoBook' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'TechoBook' Channel

Tech What You Love

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
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? Average Article Length

'TechoBook' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'TechoBook' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'TechoBook' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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Unfortunately TechoBook has no news yet.

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[...] So you want to root your android phone? This guide will help you to root your android phone and understand what rooting is and what it is capable of. Before you jump on the process of [...]

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[...] has to be executed. We have listed out 4 top android apps that will allow you to root your Android phone. There are several advantages of having root access on an Android device. For those who want [...]

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[...] surface pro 3 as a digital whiteboard. Therefore, you can share a one-note to a Windows Phone, Android phone to Mac or PC and iPad or any device. As you drawing or as you writing a diagram on your [...]

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[...] and you can’t do that with the iPhone. 9: Switchable Launchers Now you may be happy with the Android phone that you buy or even IOS 7. But if you likes to theme your phone and really personalize it, [...]

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[...] the cleaner. The cleaner is the simple app that cleans your memory and storage of your android phones. As we all know when we use different apps on our phone a lot of unwanted files takes [...]

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[...] . Let us talk about some of the features that IPhone can’t do that any Android or most Android phones can. So let’s get started. 1: App Integration So the number one thing on our list is app [...]

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[...] found here. SuperOneClick The SuperOneClick is a veritable Swiss Army knife of rooting Android phones. Taking advantage of elaborate exploits, can easily provide android root access, [...]

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[...] very very cool way to download videos very easily. So that’s how you download free videos on android device very very easily. So guys this is all we want to show on this article. We did this because [...]

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[...] you know how before you could see exactly how much storage each app was using on your Android device so you can tell when you filled up your internal storage, they’re gonna have this app [...]

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[...] from the stock music app, N7 player is right for you. A unique media player for any android device. When you start this app, you get a very stylish artist list. Where you have to pinch [...]

How To Root Your Android Phone

[...] have a good alternative to effect desired changes in files and folders from the system with root access. With it, you can enjoy more functions for certain applications, such as Titanium Backup, which [...]

Top Android Apps for Rooting

[...] For those who have devices equipped with the Android platform certainly heard of android root access or equipment. As already reported in other articles, the Android operating system is based on [...]

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[...] and the developer. On the settings menu we have the options for choosing when to ask for the root access. You have the options for the recording countdown you can choose whether to show touches or [...]

20 Things iPhone 5S – 5C Can’t do Android Phones Can

[...] you can just flash a custom ROM. now before you say that’s kind of unfair, you need to root access to do that and that’s kinda saying why don’t you point out the things you can do with [...]

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[...] a lot of flexibility in what you can do. So for example if you want you can make this your android tablet too. Therefore, you can have the best of both worlds if you want. You can have Google Play [...]

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[...] believe, especially having children you definitely to have a dual user account. You give your Android tablet to your daughter, son or anybody else and you have a guest account or their own personal [...]

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[...] has some features like downloading in HD. An additional feature is that you can also download YouTube videos the same way you download Facebook videos Download Facebook Videos From Mobile Devices 1: [...]

How To Download YouTube Videos On Android

[...] Hey guys welcome to TechoBook. We are here to show you how to download YouTube videos on android very easy and free as well. And for this you would have to have the Amazon app [...]

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[...] comes very handy if you want to record something quickly like video calls, audio calls, or YouTube videos for later access. Simply launch the app select the bitrate of the video, select the duration [...]

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[...] . On settings, you have extra options for playback, headsets, your library, album arts, lock screen and appearance. So the lock screen option here is you will get a widget on your lock [...]

20 Things iPhone 5S – 5C Can’t do Android Phones Can

[...] . 5: Widgets Widgets are very important, why because you’re able to see even on the lock screen. You can set widgets but you don’t have to unlock the phone open up an application to [...]

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[...] the beautiful, it keeps the beautiful hollow stuff. It brings full screen album art to your lock screen when you are listening to music. It brings also these new full-screen apps that could take [...]

How To Root Your Android Phone

[...] responsible for any kind of damage caused to your phone. Things Required for Rooting process: Unlock Root Pro or SuperOneClick Your phone’s drivers Step 1: Backup Your Data Make a backup of your [...]

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[...] phone, here are our suggestions: Unlock Root One of the top androids app for rooting is the Unlock Root Pro. The Unlock Root Pro is an application designed to obtain root in order to be minimalist and [...]

?Key Phrases
How To Root Your Android Phone

[...] So you want to root your android phone? This guide will help you to root your android phone and understand what rooting is and what it is capable of. Before you jump on the process of [...]

Top Android Apps for Rooting

[...] has to be executed. We have listed out 4 top android apps that will allow you to root your Android phone. There are several advantages of having root access on an Android device. For those who want [...]

Top 5 Surface Pro 3 Features

[...] surface pro 3 as a digital whiteboard. Therefore, you can share a one-note to a Windows Phone, Android phone to Mac or PC and iPad or any device. As you drawing or as you writing a diagram on your [...]

20 Things iPhone 5S – 5C Can’t do Android Phones Can

[...] and you can’t do that with the iPhone. 9: Switchable Launchers Now you may be happy with the Android phone that you buy or even IOS 7. But if you likes to theme your phone and really personalize it, [...]

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