Tera Gold Guide
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Leveling in TERA Online is generally pretty simple, but there are a few different ways you can get to the level cap. This TERA Leveling Guide will cover...
Gearing up in TERA requires a ton of gold. You’re constantly earning and spending gold and there’s always more ways to spend it than there...
30 Tips & Tricks you might not know. Your invertory can be auto-sorted with the icon on the bottom right. Scale down only your quest tracker to...
We’ve been playing Bluehole Studio’s exciting subscription-based MMORPG for the majority of the past week and even though publisher Frogster...
Joining a mmorpg like Tera Online usually comes with a lot of rewards if you have bought the game then you can expect that you got your founders account...
The Archer is a lightly armored class which specializes in a bow with long ranged offensive damage-dealing capabilities. While attacking from the distance...
Level 60 gold farming guide For those that hit 60 freshly, refer to below guide for what you can do for gold farming and how. These are mainly targetted...
Akasha’s Hideout is a 5-man dungeon that becomes available for entry to players at level 48. A hard mode version of the instance is available at...
Glyphs are a way to customize your play style and make your character more unique. There’s a vast variety of glyphs, so every player can find something...
Warrior PvP is a whole different story to warrior PvE. In PvP, every class hates us. Why? Because of our stuns and staggers and ability to survive. Also...
Gear & Crystals Now that you know all about what skills and rotations to use, it is time for gear — the most important part in maximising DPS...
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A blog with the latest news from KTERA and JTERA with in-game guides for NA TERA.