

Channel Reputation Rank


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last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'TheHopefulWebDev' channel has a poor rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'TheHopefulWebDev' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are some medium length articles making up around one third of all textual items.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'TheHopefulWebDev' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains materials of a basic readability level, making up more than one third of its content.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



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2 Hours

[...] some homework problems. I also continued on with the coursera offering from Odersky on Functional Programming. I have enjoyed it so far, he is thorough in his explanations (although I find myself [...]

7 Hours

[...] /8 parts of Functional Thinking by Neal Ford. In it, he speaks on many concepts central to Functional Programming but he concentrates on explaining things how they might relate to Java. This was not [...]

3.5 Hours

[...] variables. However, the most interesting part of all of it was the brief introduction to Functional Programming with Scala that I received. It was awesome seeing this: rewritten as this: I really look [...]

4 Hours

[...] of dibblego. He (and the rest of the channel) were somewhat vehemently opposed to the Functional Programming course I’ve been taking on coursera, and recommended instead that I drop the course and [...]

Great day, submitted Milestone changes

[...] to figure this out, and I hope I can sit down with it tomorrow night and write out the main method and some tests! Things I’ll have to consider: Generating information for Users: Names, IDs, and [...]

Main method, just needs testing

[...] So tonight I wrote the main method for the milestone project, which was pretty straightforward: The only real issue I had was [...]

3 Hours - - First Day of Bootcamp

[...] be a private value Age should be randomly generated when new employees are instantiated Has a main method that creates five employees and then outputs their information Class should have a companion [...]


[...] , refactor again if necessary. Stretch goals: Assuming all of the above goes well, write a main method with some random string and number generators Assuming EVERYTHING goes well, write some [...]

scalaCollectionsApi = new BestFriend

[...] able to knock out most of the requirements for interacting with the data structure in the milestone project: Remember the question on get chaining? You can reference the actual object itself using [...]

5 Hours, Finally!

[...] my abstractClass from a previous post, and then drawing up some preliminary plans for the milestone project. Thank you Lee, for staying up late on Hipchat with me. [...]

(Un)Fragile Knowledge

[...] Numbers, Strings or UnaryFunction. Nice! I started doing some preliminary stuff with the milestone project, but nothing great. I plan to work on it over the weekend, and will update. [...]

4 Hours, Small steps

[...] Today I sat down and started working on the problem discussed yesterday, the milestone project for week 3. It is a simple banking app, in which you have to: Have a User, which has Name ID [...]


[...] and maybe pair on it, if anyone is available. Tonight I played with the groundwork for the final project, which involves writing a client that connects to the rss feed for The Verge, parsing the XML [...]

Nearly to PTO

[...] Note. Either way, starting 9/4 I begin my vacation and I hope to put a serious dent in the final project. I have a good amount of reading and another iteration to finish first, though. Will update. [...]


[...] . Tomorrow I will finish chapters 20-22 and begin iteration 5, with the goal of starting the final project soon! Upon further reflection, I decided I will also hold hangouts daily after all. Here was [...]

Preliminary Work

[...] yesterday and began looking more into HTTP clients for Scala to use in the first part of the final project. I had read about the myriad of available options to some degree: spray-client, Apache’s [...]

32 Days

[...] goal for the weekend is to do the reading for part 4 and complete some of the 99 Scala Problems. I’m doing my best to structure my breaks at my day job so that I can participate in [...]

Lessons learned

[...] in Scala, so I did not take any notes worth publishing. I did not get to sit down with the 99 scala problems as of yet. Will update. [...]

Reading completed

[...] in Scala, for example this StackOverflow answer. I had hoped to get to sit down with the 99 scala problems this evening, but instead spent it reading the chapter, taking notes, and trying all of the [...]

The Return, first Hazing

[...] to that part of the bootcamp yet. At this point I’m more than 50% through the 99 scala problems challenge, but it’s difficult not getting to use any builtin methods. One of them that [...]

Working Example

Today I was able to sit down and managed to get Grafana + Nginx + InfluxDB + ZooKeeper playing nicely together! The service registers in ZooKeeper wit [...]

Weekend Update

I wanted to make sure I posted an update tonight so that I could keep myself honest as to the goings on the last few days. In relation to the ‘curre [...]

2 Weeks

Today I put in my two week’s notice at the pharmacy! My start date as a full time engineer is 2/9. I would like to thank Wes Illiff, Luke Amdor, and [...]


I’ve been trying to get a handle on Apache’s Kafka for the past few days for a work assignment. The codebase is evolving (it is a sub 1.0 project [...]

4 Hours, Milestone

[...] for the project as it exists in my mind thus far: Current question: Which would be the best data structure to use, given the constraints? I’m leaning toward a List or Set, although Map is also a [...]

4 Hours, Small steps

[...] app, in which you have to: Have a User, which has Name ID Balance List of Transactions Have a data structure that holds a group of users in memory. This data structure should allow you to: Reference [...]


[...] that connects to the rss feed for The Verge, parsing the XML for data, and storing it in a data structure. Then, we are to write a public facing API that allows several functions to be passed (and [...]


[...] someone and try and learn under their tutelage. I have been pairing with a full time employee (Zach McCoy) on an issue, just as I might work on myself in production. It has been a whirlwind of [...]

Catching Up

[...] and deployed into the production codebase with Banno! It was the result of pairing with Zach McCoy, and I was really excited for it. Thank you Zach for all of your help and for introducing me to [...]

(Un)Fragile Knowledge

[...] implementations for the first part of iteration 3, but came to realize with the help of Zach McCoy that these were wrong and I was going out of my way for no reason. Correct code is below. So [...]

Nearly to PTO

[...] to get two more functions compiling tonight, which was great! One of them, append, I spoke with Zach McCoy about through hip chat to clarify my understanding of it some. He made it clearer and now I [...]


[...] be in a metro area. Quite the change from this: Throughout my two days there I worked on my Kafka consumer and was able to observe the normal workflow in person, as well as attend a live talk in [...]

HDFS (and Hadoop generally)

[...] of Hadoop: Tomorrow, I intend to read more about Sensu because I will be extending my kafka consumer to consume messages from a topic being posted to with data from sensu. I believe this will [...]


[...] gist of a parsed log of all of those checks running, for reference. Today I have to extend my Kafka consumer to consume that data and send it off to InfluxDB. Will update! [...]

Data Processing!

[...] does something and returns a string with XML to be processed. Data model Article (which is a case class) has fields title, content, published, id, and link. I am creating Articles by processing the [...]


[...] : Continue with /dictionary and see if I can get it working / fast. Rewrite jsonFormat for my case class so that it returns objects in the proper format depending on the endpoint. I think spray-json [...]


[...] and /dictionary endpoints. However, looking up individual articles has proved problematic. My case class is as follows: I have Options in some places to match on/exclude certain fields from rendering [...]


[...] . How can I deserialize objects sent to kafka as, for instance, JSON strings into either a case class or shipped straight off as JSON to an external service? Metrics-kafka might hold some promise [...]

?Key Phrases
2 Hours

[...] some homework problems. I also continued on with the coursera offering from Odersky on Functional Programming. I have enjoyed it so far, he is thorough in his explanations (although I find myself [...]

7 Hours

[...] /8 parts of Functional Thinking by Neal Ford. In it, he speaks on many concepts central to Functional Programming but he concentrates on explaining things how they might relate to Java. This was not [...]

3.5 Hours

[...] variables. However, the most interesting part of all of it was the brief introduction to Functional Programming with Scala that I received. It was awesome seeing this: rewritten as this: I really look [...]

4 Hours

[...] of dibblego. He (and the rest of the channel) were somewhat vehemently opposed to the Functional Programming course I’ve been taking on coursera, and recommended instead that I drop the course and [...]

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