The Adventures of Empress Fussy Pants & Emperor Big Brother
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We have moved...
I posted this a little while ago... on a list a I belong to.. in response to some recent tough discussions between parents... so in a way I guess you...
I am temporarily pre-empting my blog (not that I have updated it recently anyway) to link to a really good friend of mine - who is waiting to bring home...
The pictures will tell a much bigger story.. .but this past Sunday - we Baptized all three children in a very special ceremony. We are so happy to have...
Girl Chilliez Love Playing on the Playground at the beach! Empress Fussy Pants... maybe should be changed to Empress Pretty Pants!! Tooth Fairy is a...
Someone Loves MoonCakes! These were lotus bean with yolk centers She really is the sweetest little girl!! It has been a really amazing 10 months.....
On September 11, 2011 we welcomed 40 Children and 23 Adults to the Party of the Year! A Princess and Pirate Party - complete with custom cake and crafts...
They actually DO get along really really well (90% of the time.) Can't even begin to tell you what the matter is... but someone is NOT HAPPY! And it...
The Birthday Girl - August 23, 2011 the big 7! She actually did this to be funny.... then she couldn't stop! See how long her hair is now!? She is...
My Boy Gets a COOL new Look - Mohawk Baby! So - who knew 8.5 hourz in a car with my Chilliez would be so much fun!! We start out for our Vacation! ...
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[...] and Pirate Party - complete with custom cake and crafts!! It was a really treat and Empress Sassy Pants was as happy as she could be! Our first arrivals.. family really! So much fun for the [...]
[...] a dog, and who wants to be sick on a long airplane ride? Not me. Vicky took care of Empress Sassy Pants so I could get some rest - that worked out. Only tantrum in JFK when she had to [...]
[...] Empress Sassy Pants - LOVES the Ocean Classic Beauty My handsome Boy.. after his surgery. He is the bravest [...]
[...] right number and combination of children and that intense longing I felt until after Empress Sassy Pants was in my arms... (Ok, screaming in my ears) is completely and utterly a thing of the [...]
[...] ... but someone is NOT HAPPY! And it didn't get better right away - but we don't call her Empress Fussy Pants for nothing! Rare sight of a rainbow.. Just a little shape up - she is growing her hair [...]
[...] Girl Chilliez Love Playing on the Playground at the beach! Empress Fussy Pants... maybe should be changed to Empress Pretty Pants!! Tooth Fairy is a regular visitor these [...]
[...] to really understand the seriousness and reverence of the occasion (if you don't count Empress Fussy Pants falling asleep at one point during the ceremony!) and then we all met up at our favorite [...]
[...] without a doubt the class valedictorian?? She is very very smart!! No question.. she can sing Happy Birthday in English and count to 100, say her ABCs etc. She reads many characters.. and recognizes [...]
[...] arena! Birthday dinner... mussels, shrimp, lobster... Yummo! Shrimp! Yummo! Circus light... Happy birthday my beautiful girl.. hard to believe that a little over 5 years ago.. we met and fell in love. [...]
[...] and two being ESP's unwillingness to try to explain her frustrations before she goes full tilt into tantrum. I am trying to give her a vocabulary - and of course she is smart so she knows [...]
[...] approaching (that is I must go back to work soon!) and my usual hectic schedule is about to hit full tilt! I hope I can manage. I love these kiddos.. they are the best thing that ever happened to this [...]
[...] ! So - all in all - we are about where we should be.. much better.. getting great. 3 Very Silly Chillies and One very Happy (but tired and heart sore) Mommy!! [...]
[...] Birthday Empress upon waking! The Birthday Empress - in her finery! My beautiful girl. My 3 Silly Chillies - celebrating. Beautiful Children Silly Chillies with a Norwegian Fjord in the background ( [...]
[...] way. My kid wins the Tantrum Topper award for sure. Tomorrow we will try shopping on Shamian Island again.. but I really need to get to the pearl and jade markets. I need to replace a [...]
[...] etc. She reads many characters.. and recognizes things beyond her years. We were walking on Shamian Island and she saw a yellow taxi and she began to hail the cab like a pro!! She is extremely [...]
[...] Tiger show... hard to tell if the animals are operating out of fear or hunger or both. But Emp Sassy Pants was up to her old tricks - flinging herself on the ground screaming etc. so it was neither [...]
[...] Be.. It just doesn't get any better! From the Rangeley overlook Emperor and Daddy Empress Sassy Basking in the Sun Lake swimming never gets old! Looking up the hill towards the path (to [...]
[...] and Pirate Party - complete with custom cake and crafts!! It was a really treat and Empress Sassy Pants was as happy as she could be! Our first arrivals.. family really! So much fun for the [...]
[...] a dog, and who wants to be sick on a long airplane ride? Not me. Vicky took care of Empress Sassy Pants so I could get some rest - that worked out. Only tantrum in JFK when she had to [...]
[...] Empress Sassy Pants - LOVES the Ocean Classic Beauty My handsome Boy.. after his surgery. He is the bravest [...]
[...] right number and combination of children and that intense longing I felt until after Empress Sassy Pants was in my arms... (Ok, screaming in my ears) is completely and utterly a thing of the [...]
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