The Blog of Nate
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I'm going to digress for a moment from the regular scheduled program and point out an email conversation I had with a server operator. We all also point...
Recently I decided to do some work on a sqlsnapshot utility and tried to figure out the best way to do a bulk update on the database. Here are the test...
This was going to be a FAQ in my book but I think this is better as a blog post. Let's talk about boost variants. The interesting part of a boost variant...
Here is a snippet of my C++ ORM library: Features: + No complex API Sample loop: + Construct a query naturally...
I recently messed around with created my own Apache module with another module called mod_cplusplus. I was able to compile and run the modules inside...
To add network scanning to Canon Imagerunners do the following: - Push Reset button twice - Push 2+8 button - Then Push additional functions - Then...
Recently I encountered a strange bug in one of my PHP applications. It dealt with adding 2 numbers. One caveat: one of those numbers was a string rather...
I recently messed around with created my own Apache module with another module called mod_cplusplus. I was able to compile and run the modules inside...
So, since I am "informed" in the world of IT, I feel a certain need to dig deep into the background of an suspicious hoster...especially a new one. So...
So, I was recently spammed with this site. I had to check it out. My thoughts: After clicking around for awhile, it seems like he doesn’t use any framework...
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