The Dead Tau Project
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Recently I attended "Get Over Here!", a small tournament in LaVale MD run by Duane. It was a 2 hour drive up for me but Duane has come out to...
Things have been quiet around here since February, it frustrates me to look at that. It's not that I haven't had idea for articles, it just life has piled...
It's going to be a lighter article today, nothing controversial like previous opinion pieces nor heavy on math like my analysis article last week. I've...
This may not be among the best tactics articles on DTP, but its a glimpse into tactics nonetheless. I prefer to write tactics articles that help players...
A little while ago I read an article on another Guild Ball blog, Parting Blow, that was handing out "awards" for different models performance...
on the weekend of January 16th I attended a Guild Ball tournament in the Philadelphia area, Snow Ball. I was able to pull out 4 wins during the tournament...
Now it's Monday, and there's a regularly scheduled post on DTP! I had a bit of an advantage, grabbing the following picture set at the same time I grabbed...
It's Monday isn't it? No? Damn, missed the deadline to get this post out. Ironically, I realized I missed the post yesterday morning and headed down to...
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2016 with a tactics article for Guild Ball. I have not played in a tournament yet, nor have I had the chance to play all...
Since returning to blogging I have not written up too many game reports. I've gotten out of the practice bringing my camera with me on game night. Additionally...
Today we're going to look at Rise of the Kage and it's first expansion, Docks of Ryu. I received this game and expansion together a year after backing...
Unfortunately The Dead Tau Project has no news yet.
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[...] for the DTP so far! AS I understand it, Robert Gunter is the Devilish level backer for the WWX Kickstarter. Robert had the chance to fly out to Duelcon recently and hang out with the Outlaw Miniatures [...]
[...] One of the things I felt was very cool with the WWX kickstarter was a group of models which were added as mercenaries. Namely, the Firefly crew which Outlaw [...]
[...] WWX Kickstarter. Robert had the chance to fly out to Duelcon recently and hang out with the Outlaw Miniatures crew, get a load of models, and get in an "official" game of WWX with the final [...]
[...] was a group of models which were added as mercenaries. Namely, the Firefly crew which Outlaw Miniatures renamed the Wayward 8. My wife and I are both big (huge) fans of Firefly and the movie [...]
[...] be a bit simpler and focus on another kickstarter game I am involved in. I kickstarted Warmachine Tactics, the Warmachine video game. Through the kickstarter I was able to get [...]
[...] This is the story of John and I cracking out our brand new WWX models and trying to learn to play. Over the Christmas Holiday 2013 I made the decision to grab [...]
Readers of the Dead Tau Project are likely aware that I kickstarted Wild West Exodus (WWX). During the month of December I received my kickstarter box [...]
Pretty damn cool video. [...]
[...] about their customers or their community. Many of you know that I backed the Wild West Exodus kick-starter. I am greatly looking forward to getting the kick-starter rewards in hand and [...]
[...] kickstarter. Jeremy was the driving force behind Ultraforge Miniatures, those large scale centerpiece models of Demons, Dragons, and Treemen you are jealous of when your opponent pulls them out. [...]
[...] for the DTP so far! AS I understand it, Robert Gunter is the Devilish level backer for the WWX Kickstarter. Robert had the chance to fly out to Duelcon recently and hang out with the Outlaw Miniatures [...]
[...] One of the things I felt was very cool with the WWX kickstarter was a group of models which were added as mercenaries. Namely, the Firefly crew which Outlaw [...]
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