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Have you ever thought about walking away from a listing? While there are probably reasons too numerous to name, I wanted to share with you the top five...
I’m pretty sure that within the last few months, you’ve either read about or heard the news about the “qualified mortgage rules” that the Consumer Finance...
In a recent National Association of Realtors “Profile of Home Buyers and Home Sellers” survey, they provided a list of the top things that home buyers...
I’m not going to give you a lecture about “we only have 24 hours in the days” to complete what we need to do. Nope, not me. However, this short article...
Whether you are planning on moving soon—or helping someone else move, I’d like to share with you some tips on how to eliminate the stress on moving day...
As part of virtually every credit report that I’ve seen, credit bureaus include a list of “reason codes” with numbers and a short (I mean very short)...
Do you get junk mail from other mortgage companies, insurance agents, credit card companies and car dealers with ads telling you that you have already...
In a hot real estate market, where there can be 7 offers on one home, your home buyers need that competitive “edge,” especially those who have to compete...
I recently read an article where Dan Pink, in his book To Sell Is Human, says that the old paradigm of “always be closing” is no longer cool. He says...
When you meet with your clients, the conversation usually gets around to the topic of the downpayment and closing costs — how much and where’s it coming...
I’m sure you know that you can get a free copy of your credit report by logging on to But, here’s what you may not know—there...
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[...] As part of virtually every credit report that I’ve seen, credit bureaus include a list of “reason codes” with numbers and a short (I [...]
[...] of other consumers, complete strangers in other states or other countries, to end up on your credit report. All it takes is a name misspelling or a transposed number. Monitoring your credit is [...]
[...] lower your score, but the drop would be minimal. Along these same lines, pulling your own credit report, a soft inquiry, doesn’t have a noticeable effect, either. On the contrary, pulling your own [...]
[...] I’m sure you know that you can get a free copy of your credit report by logging on to But, here’s what you may not know—there are other [...]
[...] Not long ago, MONEY magazine interviewed consumers determined to earn perfect 850 credit scores. Here are the illuminating take-aways from the article. 1. Most were compulsive about [...]
[...] of America, most U.S. consumers, a lot of us, are uninformed about the basic facts about our credit scores and their financial significance in our lives. So here goes a short lesson in helping keep [...]
[...] . Just so you know, here are characteristics of an elite group of Americans with perfect 850 credit scores. Use them to guide you in a general, but not compulsive, way to earning a higher credit score [...]
[...] . Here is our fourth installment. There’s a lot of confusion and misinformation about credit scores. Here are some myths you should be aware of: Closing out old, inactive credit accounts [...]
[...] on certain criteria—criteria like minimum credit scores, geographical areas, mortgage or car loans or outstanding credit card balances. If you read the tiny, tiny print, they must also [...]
[...] of credit. They have a carefully designed portfolio of closed-ended debt, like mortgages and car loans, and open-ended (revolving) debt, like major credit cards and store cards. Their credit reports [...]
[...] it. Just say no thank you. Vary your credit accounts. Mix loans, like mortgages and car loans, with revolving credit, like major credit cards and store charge cards. But don’t go [...]
[...] to have a balanced “credit portfolio,” the proper mix of closed-end credit (like car loans) and revolving credit (credit cards). 7. Most could recite like a mantra the five [...]
[...] any of the “unacceptable sources” because it may be difficult to get them approved for a mortgage loan. [...]
[...] (both purchase and refinance) meet certain criteria. Even if you are not in need of a mortgage loan right now, I’d like to share with you 6 things you’ll need to know about when it’s time [...]
[...] Do you get junk mail from other mortgage companies, insurance agents, credit card companies and car dealers with ads telling you that you have [...]
[...] it’s time for you to obtain a new mortgage. Why were they created? They are a guide for mortgage companies and consumers to make sure that the loan terms are fully disclosed, with no interest rate [...]
[...] family, friends and entertaining is a feature that homebuyers are looking for too. Mortgage Financing – With all the new underwriting and qualifying ratio rules, it’s critical that they [...]
[...] As part of virtually every credit report that I’ve seen, credit bureaus include a list of “reason codes” with numbers and a short (I [...]
[...] of other consumers, complete strangers in other states or other countries, to end up on your credit report. All it takes is a name misspelling or a transposed number. Monitoring your credit is [...]
[...] lower your score, but the drop would be minimal. Along these same lines, pulling your own credit report, a soft inquiry, doesn’t have a noticeable effect, either. On the contrary, pulling your own [...]
[...] I’m sure you know that you can get a free copy of your credit report by logging on to But, here’s what you may not know—there are other [...]
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