:: The Everyday Mum ::
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Sorry, no picture this time! The dip didn't hang around long enough for a photo shoot, but here is the recipe anyway. I reckon this would be delicious...
I can't believe its been this long since I was here last. Life certainly has kept me on the fly! It's a rainy and cold June day today, and as usual...
This time exactly one year ago, I was cruising at about 40,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean on my way to the USA. My mind and my pulse both racing as...
My friend Roxy shared this with me a couple of weeks ago via Facebook, but I only got around to making it yesterday. And like I do most recipes, I gave...
There's really nothing like acting on a bit of 'spur of the moment' inspiration, is there? On Friday we had a light bulb moment regarding our tired looking...
My daughter is obsessed with cake decorating. She watches YouTube videos constantly and has taught me what an offset spatula is, what a crumb coating...
My man and I just spent a gorgeous weekend at Binna Burra. It was the weekend we've been craving for a long time, and it was just what the doctor ordered...
My friend Amber has a blog to be envious of. It's called MamaMoontime, and it's wonderful! It's full of fantastic ideas for play, parenting and craft...
Those that follow my Year of Living Gratefully, would know that I promised to share this recipe. It's raining today and I don't feel like doing anything...
This is my sweetheart's Grand-daddy. He has the BEST vegetable patch I have ever seen! Take a look at the size of those cauliflowers and turnips! Aside...
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[...] today, and as usual in this kind of weather, I have the cooking bug. I've made the simplest Lemon Curd, an easy peasy Tuna Dip, and I'm going to try my hand later at Jalapeno Cornbread - just to [...]
[...] and I hope you'll be inspired to count your blessings too. You can find it here - My Year of Living Gratefully [...]
[...] Those that follow my Year of Living Gratefully, would know that I promised to share this recipe. It's raining today and I don't feel like [...]
[...] Everyday Mum. I'll be sharing each of my posts from this blog, and also My Year of Living Gratefully. I'll be sharing articles that inspire me, pictures that make go 'aaaahhh', stories [...]
Sorry, no picture this time! The dip didn't hang around long enough for a photo shoot, but here is the recipe anyway. I reckon this would be delici [...]
[...] in the fridge for up to 2 weeks (if it lasts that long!). I'll be back later to share the Tuna Dip recipe with you! [...]
[...] I said in last nights post - I'm not perfect. I just do the best I can. Sending you love, The Everyday Mum [...]
[...] I've done it - finally. I've set up a Facebook page for The Everyday Mum. I'll be sharing each of my posts from this blog, and also My Year of Living Gratefully. I' [...]
[...] My man and I just spent a gorgeous weekend at Binna Burra. It was the weekend we've been craving for a long time, and it was just what the doctor [...]
What do you do when you have an ugly spot like this in the yard? You make a vegie patch! After a trip to trusty Bunnings, we came home well equipped [...]
[...] This is my sweetheart's Grand-daddy. He has the BEST vegetable patch I have ever seen! Take a look at the size of those cauliflowers and turnips! Aside from [...]
[...] , and deal with our own demons. Maybe you've misread my indifference to you? If my blog upsets you, then you have the choice not to read it. I don't always share what I write for the [...]
[...] today, and as usual in this kind of weather, I have the cooking bug. I've made the simplest Lemon Curd, an easy peasy Tuna Dip, and I'm going to try my hand later at Jalapeno Cornbread - just to [...]
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:: The Everyday Mum ::
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Lakes Single Mum
Loving my life in Cumbria as single mum to two lovely children