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Adapted from the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership “Good people are obligated to support the lesser of two evils.” Is this true? Should...
You may have seen this meme in various forms. Spurgeon isn’t talking politics specifically here, but he applies this principle consistently when he does...
This article can be viewed as a PowerPoint presentation, with pictures, click here. To download as a tract for printing and distribution, click here ...
Why Creeds and Confessions? (Book) High Quality Paperback — 219 pages Foundations in Biblical Orthodoxy Driving down a country road sometime, you...
High Quality Paperback — 219 pages Foundations in Biblical Orthodoxy Driving down a country road sometime, you might see a church with a sign proudly...
I saw this posted on a group I follow on Facebook. It’s important to understand the different roles of the Church vs. the Kingdom of God. Each serves...
How knocking Rubio out of the race would cost Cruz the nomination Right: Pyrrhus and his elephants “The armies separated; and, it is said, Pyrrhus replied...
A plea to my friends in Florida who want to stop Donald Trump and who are die-hard Ted Cruz supporters If you want to see Ted Cruz win the nomination...
trump TRUMP 1. To obtrude; also, to deceive. [Not in use.] To trump up, to devise; to seek and collect from every quarter. TRUMP, v.i. To blow a trumpet...
I am not the best predictor of general election results. In 1990, I predicted that John Silber would easily become the governor of Massachusetts and in...
The usual answer to this question is that it was adjusted, like many Church feast days, to coincide with the pagan feast days, this one being the winter...
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[...] abortions and diagnostic testing at 610 Oak Commons, the site of a brand new $2 million Planned Parenthood center. This week, Jenna Tosh and Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) filed for a [...]
[...] babies made in the image of God. Apparently, Planned Parenthood has fallen upon hard times. Its death camps are closing down at rapid pace. This is despite [...]
[...] is the largest abortion mega center in Central Florida. Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) takes part in the murders of approximately 3,000 precious [...]
[...] What an acting job! (Click to enlarge.) The Orlando Sentinel is concerned that Planned Parenthood CEO Jenna Tosh’s hysterical screed has resulted in an attempt to create an unconstitutional [...]
[...] : Central Florida Pro-life Evangelists What: Pro-life Awareness Campaign Where: Aloma Avenue, Winter Park, Florida When: Saturday, April 13th, 2013, 9:30 am to 12 pm View Larger Map WINTER PARK, [...]
[...] it complies with Frisby vs. Shultz, according to city attorney Larry Brown, who works for the Winter Park City Commission. Frisby allows pro-life evangelists to proselytize door to door and to target [...]
[...] , the associate pastor of the First Congregational Church of Winter Park, Reverend Karen Barker-Duncan, where Jenna Tosh is a member, gave the invocation at the City [...]
[...] of help from the Jewish people being transported to the concentration camps. As I sat in the Winter Park Commissioner’s meeting this past Monday night, I felt history was being made. I envisioned [...]
[...] Randall Whitney arrives at work at Orlando Women’s Center to kill babies with a smile on his face. This photo [...]
[...] of Orlando eventually settles for $325,000. Abortionists Joe Sanchez, Jr., Paul Shipley and Randall Whitney work with Pendergraft in Orlando. 1998 – Pendergraft opens an abortion clinic in Ocala and [...]
[...] . (Photo credit: Ken Scott) Perhaps the most shocking part of the trial testimony was when Randall Whitney, the abortionist on duty at the time, spoke cavalierly and without being prodded about babies [...]
[...] .com) — The Florida Board of Medicine has given a “slap on the wrist” to Randall Whitney, an abortionist who was arrested in 2011 and charged with aggravated battery for slapping a [...]
[...] hotels and restaurants. According to an Orlando Sentinel interview with the president and CEO, Jenna Tosh, the Kissimmee mega center will target “a largely Hispanic population.” Tosh [...]
[...] . First, they want to promote the sanctity of life and expose one of our prized reprobates, Jenna Tosh, who makes her living by cutting the heads, arms and legs off of babies. We know Jenna and [...]
[...] ( – It was a balmy Saturday morning in central Florida. Andrew and Jenna Tosh went for a walk in their upper middle class neighborhood with their young son in a [...]
[...] occurred on 8/18/12 in the neighborhood of the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando, Jenna Tosh. Analysis The police got it partly right and partly wrong. The police say in the video that [...]
[...] things which were told her from the Lord.” Personhood represents a paradigm shift in the pro-life movement in that we begin with scripture and insist that the right to life is God-given in that we [...]
[...] distracted him.” This attitude represents in a microcosm the error of the majority of the pro-life movement. While it is true that students of history bring their own filters and read their own [...]
[...] may have actually distracted him.” This attitude represents in a microcosm the error of the pro-life movement. While it is true that students of history bring their own filters and read their own [...]
[...] nonsense. Bad pro-life sign slogans are ones that reinforce negative stereotypes about the pro-life movement. These sign slogans are often preachy, condemnatory, and hard to understand. These types of [...]
A “20-plus” week pregnant woman leaves Orlando Women’s Center. The woman in the photo on the right (below) was actually posing for a photo to be [...]
A WESH News video clip shows Orlando police office Rod Johnson being escorted out of jail after making bail. ORLANDO, Florida ( Ro [...]
Florida’s abortion industry exhibits a similar pattern “Unfortunately, you do have rogue providers that prey on the most vulnerable of women … [...]
An Interview with Sidewalk Evangelist John Barros By John Barros What is nicer than seeing police knock down doors and haul out evidence at Orlando [...]
[...] a comment on one of my articles, Statements of a Practicing Witch? The article deals with abortion clinic owners and staff in Birmingham, Alabama and Melbourne, Florida who were involved in Wiccan [...]
[...] over 90 percent of the abortions in the state of Florida occur within the walls of a licensed abortion clinic. For our purposes, I will deal with licensed abortion clinics only. I will use the rounded [...]
[...] Open Letter to the Pro-life Community in Tallahassee By Jay Rogers What is needed to open an abortion clinic in the state of Florida is a license through AHCA. See also a listing of licensed Florida [...]
[...] Spurgeon Leroy Lucas, Esq. with his client Patricia Baird-Windle, owner of Aware Woman abortion clinic. Born: 11/27/1941 Died: 11/3/2003 Spurgeon LeRoy Lucas, Esq. (a.k.a. Roy Lucas, Esq. DC # [...]
[...] into law a regulatory statue that, if enforced, will make it difficult for the remaining abortion clinics in Louisiana to stay open. In July, a lawsuit filed by a neighboring physician’s office [...]
[...] in the child killing industry. She has also become a vocal critic of sidewalk preaching at abortion clinics. In her frequent postings on the Internet, she frequently issues a disclaimer that she is a [...]
[...] denomination. In Dallas, Flip joined with Operation Rescue and did non-violent sit-ins at abortion clinics and evangelistic outreaches using the pro-life issue as a flash point. Flip was one of the [...]
[...] , National Days of Repentance, Pro-Life Prayer Vigils and demonstrations outside abortion clinics, submissions to parliament, weekly radio programmes, and thousands of Pro-Life [...]
[...] presidents in Clinton and Obama, is that we saw more people on the streets in front of the abortion mills. We saw more Christians volunteer their time for pro-life efforts on the local level because [...]
[...] the procedure. To date he has had his license suspended four times. He still operates five abortion mills in Florida by managing the business and employing a cadre of doctors willing to do late term [...]
[...] be able to respond apply? Would federal marshals be sent to keep the doors open at all abortion mills in states the size of Florida or Texas? The Doctrine of Nullification There’s not much [...]
[...] repent produce true converts to Jesus Christ? The evidence shows that when we go and stand at abortion mills and preach the Gospel, it is effective. Not only do women turn away from abortion, but some [...]
[...] 60 Minutes in the 1980s A Book Review and Open Letter The following is an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization [...]
[...] The following is Part 2 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization [...]
[...] The following is Part 3 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization [...]
[...] The following is Part 4 of an open letter to Colonel Vaughn Doner and a critique of his 2012 book, Christian Jihad: Neo-Fundamentalists and the Polarization [...]
[...] abortions and diagnostic testing at 610 Oak Commons, the site of a brand new $2 million Planned Parenthood center. This week, Jenna Tosh and Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) filed for a [...]
[...] babies made in the image of God. Apparently, Planned Parenthood has fallen upon hard times. Its death camps are closing down at rapid pace. This is despite [...]
[...] is the largest abortion mega center in Central Florida. Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando (PPGO) takes part in the murders of approximately 3,000 precious [...]
[...] What an acting job! (Click to enlarge.) The Orlando Sentinel is concerned that Planned Parenthood CEO Jenna Tosh’s hysterical screed has resulted in an attempt to create an unconstitutional [...]
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