The Green Benches
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Mitt Romney is currently facing a backlash in the USA for his role in mega corporation Bain & Co (here) a company he rose to be CEO in. A video leaked...
This mortifyingly stupid article from the BBC (above) angered me so much that I had to pen a counter piece. The NHS might well get worse in 2013 BBC,...
(hat tip to @MichaelH14 ) The NHS job website (here) has placed an advert for a £97,478 a year job as Head of "Brand". This confirms the worst fears...
John Hemming MP (Lib Dem) profits from Serco's success as he owns shares in Lloyds who are one of Serco's main shareholders (here). Sir John Stanley...
Today, I can reveal that Assura/Virgin Care Shareholders gifted the Tory Party more than £1 million pounds in donations. Five of the biggest names in...
The graph above shows the accumulated value of donations to the Tory Party in whole pounds from Donors who are now benefiting as a result of the privatisation...
Serco is the biggest company you have never heard of. They're banned from applying to the Norwegian Fund because the government there says they are unethical...
Shareholders in Circle Holdings, the company that owns the 10 year franchise worth £1,200,000,000 to run the first ever privatised NHS Hospital at Hinchingbrooke...
NHS Hinchingbrooke Hospital became the first and only NHS secondary hospital to be privatised through a 10 year £1,200,000,000 franchise deal with Circle...
This piece shows that the two major shareholders in Circle Holdings, Paul Ruddock (CEO of Landsowne Partners) and Crispin Odey (Founding Partner of Odey...
Sir Paul Ruddock gained his knighthood in 2012 by which stage he had donated more than half a million pounds to the Tory Party. He has since gone on to...
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[...] Partner of Odey Asset Management) are Tory Donors who have given more than £870,000 to the Tory party. This causes a significant conflict of interest because Circle Health were awarded the £1.2bn [...]
[...] ever privatised NHS Hospital at Hinchingbrooke, have donated more than £1.4 million to the Tory Party. The donations have come from 3 CEOs of world hedge funds, Lansdowne Partners, Odey Asset [...]
[...] Today, I can reveal that Assura/Virgin Care Shareholders gifted the Tory Party more than £1 million pounds in donations. Five of the biggest names in the World Hedge Fund [...]
[...] the Labour Party. In addition, to shareholders gaining £4bn of contracts donating £2.6m to the Tory Party, I also found that 9 government politicians benefited from these deals. [...]
[...] A sampled study of 52 NHS Trusts shows that more than £461,000,000 has been spent on Agency Staff in those Trusts during the [...]
[...] 8 NHS Trusts in the South East of England have been caught red handed exchanging information about the [...]
[...] to do. It so happens that Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals is very highly ranked on the list of NHS Trusts with high levels of MRSA, in particular, but also C-Difficile. Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals are the [...]
[...] context of the pressures facing patients after the abolition of Primary Care Trusts and when NHS Trusts move towards Foundation Trust status. a) If you wish to see a ranking of all English NHS [...]
[...] A leaked version of the final draft of a Consortium consultation into pay and conditions for NHS Staff in the South West of England (here) shows that without any consultation, and despite the [...]
[...] . Once in their elite club, these cartels will work with the trusts to force through pay cuts for NHS staff in every area of England except the Tory heartlands of the South & East of England. The [...]
[...] through parliament. These staff losses represent the second biggest monthly fall in NHS staff numbers since the Tories came to power in May 2010. Of the 33 different categories of NHS [...]
[...] Tory donor provides agency medical staff to hospitals at nearly 50% greater cost that employing NHS Staff. Trafford Healthcare have made £1,526,735 payments to Lord Ashcroft's Medacs in just 3 [...]
[...] research during the last couple of days, I uncovered quite a lot of data about profit making Circle Health and their running of Hinchingbrooke that I feel you should know. None of what I tell you will [...]
[...] , then you can quickly see how the NHS logo is already being tarnished. Take for example, Circle Health's spend on staffing. The private company in charge of Hinchingbrooke are in the process of [...]
[...] stage. Nuneaton's NHS run George Eliot Hospital is on the brink of being handed over to Circle Health. That organisation already manages a £600m contract to run Cambridgeshire's Hinchingbrooke [...]
[...] NHS secondary hospital to be privatised through a 10 year £1,200,000,000 franchise deal with Circle Health in December 2011. Circle Health's 3 major shareholders are Landsowne Partners, Invesco [...]
[...] developments emerged when Serco signed their first contract to gain sole control of an entire NHS Hospital. Suffolk NHS have handed over a £160m contract to Serco to run Newmarket Hospital. As of [...]
[...] not receive brochures and pamphlets inviting me to book special rooms at a NHS Hospital or NHS Hospital Hotel for the duration of my operation. A complete an utter de- [...]
Two days a week Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals are using nurses to do the cleaning at several of their hospitals because the number of cleaners have been cut [...]
[...] to run Hinchingbrooke is worth more than £1.2bn and is the first and only example of a NHS Hospital being privatised. Circle Health say that they expect to gain £8,000,0000,000 of expansion [...]
[...] to financial viability, St Helier just doesn't cut it. If you listen hard enough to what Andrew Lansley has had to say about the NHS in recent years, he thinks that when it comes to financial [...]
[...] Tory election campaign in the full knowledge that his company would be a key beneficiary of Andrew Lansley's decision to axe 28,610 NHS staff. As the number of NHS job cuts hurtle towards 72,000 the [...]
[...] downbanded and as staff shortages bite they are being asked to do more. As well as this Andrew Lansley is currently waging a pensions war with NHS staff. All things considered, the prospect [...]
[...] NHS Property Services, is a brand new property company set up by Andrew Lansley, and it will very soon have assets of £5,200,000,000. PropCo as it is otherwise known is now [...]
[...] Hackney NHS Health Centre is run by private health company, Care UK which is owned by Tory Donor John Nash. In the contract signed by Care UK to take over the services, they are only obliged [...]
[...] researching the money Lord Ashcroft has made out of the NHS. Specifically, how much does the Tory Donor's private medical company "Medacs" make out of supplying agency staff to the NHS. It [...]
[...] grow to £7 bn this year and every single contract of value above £20m has been won by a Tory donor. Virgin, Serco Interserve & Circle have given the Tories £3m in donations. In [...]
[...] it employs (see here). How did we miss that it was a key business investment of the number one Tory Donor of all time? Lord Ashcroft spearheaded the funding for the Tory election campaign in the full [...]
[...] of cost savings exercises. The spectacle of government ministers leading the campaign to save NHS Hospitals ONLY in their own constituencies will sicken many NHS activists to their very core. If these [...]
[...] by St Mungo's and Homeless Link found that 70% of homeless people who are discharged from NHS hospitals are actually discharged onto the street. No attempt is being made to safeguard the recovering [...]
[...] red handed exchanging information about the charging of private patients for operations in NHS Hospitals. Normally, private patients can avail of NHS services through the Private Patient Units (PPUs) [...]
[...] -marketisation of our public healthcare is required, perhaps through a de-marketisation bill. NHS Hospitals should be cashless societies. It might also be necessary to explore all of the [...]
[...] Partner of Odey Asset Management) are Tory Donors who have given more than £870,000 to the Tory party. This causes a significant conflict of interest because Circle Health were awarded the £1.2bn [...]
[...] ever privatised NHS Hospital at Hinchingbrooke, have donated more than £1.4 million to the Tory Party. The donations have come from 3 CEOs of world hedge funds, Lansdowne Partners, Odey Asset [...]
[...] Today, I can reveal that Assura/Virgin Care Shareholders gifted the Tory Party more than £1 million pounds in donations. Five of the biggest names in the World Hedge Fund [...]
[...] the Labour Party. In addition, to shareholders gaining £4bn of contracts donating £2.6m to the Tory Party, I also found that 9 government politicians benefited from these deals. [...]
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