The Library Of Bork'an


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'The Library Of Bork'an' channel has a poor rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'The Library Of Bork'an' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Aug, 2010Sep, 2010Oct, 2010Nov, 2010Dec, 2010Jan, 2011Feb, 2011Mar, 2011Apr, 2011May, 2011Jun, 2011Jul, 2011012Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsImages
? Average Article Length

'The Library Of Bork'an' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'The Library Of Bork'an' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'The Library Of Bork'an' contains more negatively biased articles than positive or neutral ones (e.g. it may include some critical or negatively biased opinions on the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately The Library Of Bork'an has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] to get this done. As described in my previous post I found myself facing off against Brad's Space Wolves again for the first 1500 point league game. The forces assembled were as follows: 1500 Point [...]

League Update

[...] Neil’s Greenskin tide and my Tau Cadre attempting to bring the Greater Good to Brad's Space! Battle report for my game will be up in the next few days but as I've updated [...]

Honour Guard and First Game

[...] do say so myself. I had my first couple of games with this list against Bradimus Prime (of the Space Wolves Grey blog) the other day and whilst I did lose both games there were an awful lot of lessons [...]

League Update and Getting My Arse Into Gear

[...] bag (although at the end of turn 5 or 6 I would have managed the draw). Congrats to Brad who's Space Wolves managed an unparalleled dominance over the league. Toy Soldier I, along with Brad and Neil, [...]

1500 Point Tau Cadre - FINISHED!!!!!!

[...] Pod, Plasma Rifle Troop – 155 pts 6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles 1 x Devilfish with Gun Drones, Multi Tracker, Disruption Pod Troop – 155 pts 6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles 1 x [...]

Mayhem Progress Update 01

[...] to get 1 of the 2 Devilfish I need to get painted for Mayhem done and I made a start on the 6 gun Drones as well as prepping the Crisis Suits, Broadside Suits and Fire Warriors (finished assembly [...]

League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] 2 x Shield Drones Troops 6 x Fire Warriors in Devilfish with Multitracker, Disruption Pods and Gun Drones. 6 x Fire Warriors in Devilfish with Multitracker, Disruption Pods and Gun Drones. 6 x Fire [...]

Holy Crap! Where Did All The Time Go?!?!?!?!?!?!?

[...] the Bank Holiday weekend!!!! Eeeep!!!!!!!! What I need to get painted is as follows: 6 x Fire Warriors 2 x Devil Fish 6 x Gun Drones 2 x Broadsides 3 x Crisis Suits Now to be honest that shouldn't [...]

1500 Point Tau Cadre - FINISHED!!!!!!

[...] pts 6 x Fire Warriors with Pulse Rifles 1 x Devilfish with Gun Drones, Multi Tracker, Disruption Pod Troop – [...]

League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] Point Tau List HQ Crisis Suit Commander in Fireknife config with 2 x Shield Drones Troops 6 x Fire Warriors in Devilfish with Multitracker, Disruption Pods and Gun Drones. 6 x Fire Warriors in [...]

Vapnartak, Decision Made

[...] Pack) 90 pts 1 x 10 man Assault Squad (Jump Packs, 2 x Meltaguns, 1 x Sargeant with Power Fist) 235 pts 1 x 10 man Assault Squad (Jump Packs, 2 x Meltaguns, 1 x Sargeant with Power [...]

For the Blood of Sanguinius!

[...] Priests: Jump Packs, Power Weapons - 270 x3 units of 10 Assault Marines: 2 Melta Guns, Power Fist - 235 6 Vanguard Veterans: Jump Packs, Power Fist - 205 Army Total = 1500 Now my current [...]

League Update and Getting My Arse Into Gear

[...] Troops: 10 x Assault Marines (7 x Bolt Pistol + Chain Sword, 2 x Meltagun, 1 x Sergeant with Power Fist and Bolt Pistol)             & [...]

Upcoming Tournament

[...] so I may be loosing out by not taking them. Con: Dated codex Blood Angels Pro: I have a 1750 point list all painted and assembled so no work would be required with these as long as I choose my list [...]

Time to Get Cracking

[...] of taken a bit of a break from the paint brushes for a few weeks but now that I've got a 1500 point list in mind I'd quite like to get the remainder of it painted well before Mayhem rolls around so I [...]

3 Sanguinary Priests Walk Into A Bar.....

[...] Blood Angels!!!! Shocking I know! I've now finished the 3 Sanguinary Priests I need for my 1500 point list, they've turned out pretty good all in all. These figures are the Sanguinary Priest figures [...]

A Hard Weekends Work at the Forge

[...] Rune Master I'd already assembled 20 x Ironbreakers so this now means I've got a 1500 Point list assembled and I can actually play! With that in mind I've booked in 2 games on Wednesday, in [...]

Looking to the Next Month

[...] . The League Game will be one of the last times I get to test drive my list before the Mayhem tournament in mid April so I pretty much need to be happy with what I'm running so I know what I've [...]

Well crap!

[...] So last weekend was the Mayhem tournament down in Warhammer World and as you can tell from the post title I finished in a less than [...]

Holy Crap! Where Did All The Time Go?!?!?!?!?!?!?

[...] Ok, I'm now sat here with a fair ammount of stuff to get painted before the Mayhem tournament.....which is the 10th and 11th of April.....which is just over a week away.....and I'm on a [...]

1500 Point Tau Cadre - FINISHED!!!!!!

[...] I've finally finished my 1500 point cadre, as I'm travelling down to Warhammer World for the Mayhem Tournament this weekend it's just in the nick of time to!!!! Alot of the models are far from being & [...]

Toy Soldier and BA Done!!!

[...] Tomorrow morning me, Bradimus Prime (of the Space Wolves Grey Blog) and Neil will be heading to the Toy Soldier tournament in Preston. The tournament will [...]

Honour Guard and First Game

[...] list and the second was against his standard 1500 point tournament build (see the Space Wolves Grey blog for more details) and the key points I took away are as follows: 1) Brad's terminator [...]

For the Blood of Sanguinius!

[...] and painting ahead of me.....again. On the advice of my friend Bradimus Prime (of the Space Wolves Grey blog) I've bought a few of the Death Company boxe sets to mix and match with the regular [...]

League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] . 6 x Fire Warriors in Devilfish with Multitracker, Disruption Pods and Gun Drones. Elites 3 x Crisis Suits in Fireknife Config 3 x Crisis Suits in Deathtrain Config 3 x Stealthsuits, Team Leader with [...]

Time to Get Cracking

[...] asides from the bases) 2 x Broadsides 2 x Marker Drones 2 x Shield Drones 4 x Gun Drones 2 x Crisis Suits (still in boxes) Now the perceptive amongst you will probably have noticed that only one of [...]

Holy Crap! Where Did All The Time Go?!?!?!?!?!?!?

[...] get painted is as follows: 6 x Fire Warriors 2 x Devil Fish 6 x Gun Drones 2 x Broadsides 3 x Crisis Suits Now to be honest that shouldn't pose too much of an issue as I've now finished with my last [...]

Magnetizing: Crisis Suit Commander

[...] the head sockets of the suits that I could run my suits as either a Commander or as a normal Crisis Suit. The below is a quick breakdown of how I went about this, hope you find it useful. I firstly [...]

Tau vs IG - TAU WIN!!!!!

[...] the humans the chance for enlightenment. Shas'El Yu’kka had dismounted from his crisis suit, today had been a good day for the Greater Good and he wished to remember every sight and [...]

Time to Get Cracking

[...] the perceptive amongst you will probably have noticed that only one of the boxes is actually a Crisis Suit, the other one is a Crisis Suit Commander - as the only difference between a bog standard [...]

League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] out of cover heading for my last Fireknife, several bolter shells hit their target but the Crisis Suit managed to maintain integrity. The Predator swung around and opened up on the other Devilfish, [...]

Time to Get Cracking

[...] x Stealthsuits (fully painted asides from the bases) 2 x Broadsides 2 x Marker Drones 2 x Shield Drones 4 x Gun Drones 2 x Crisis Suits (still in boxes) Now the perceptive amongst you will [...]

League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] Las Cannon Sponsons 1500 Point Tau List HQ Crisis Suit Commander in Fireknife config with 2 x Shield Drones Troops 6 x Fire Warriors in Devilfish with Multitracker, Disruption Pods and Gun Drones. 6 x [...]

1500 Point Tau Cadre - FINISHED!!!!!!

[...] System Broadside Battlesuit with Smart Missile System, Advanced Stabilisation System 2 x Shield Drones Fast – 143 pts 4 x Pathfinders with Pulse Carbines Devilfish with Marker Beacon, [...]

?Key Phrases
League Battle Report: Space Wolves V’s Tau (Again!!)

[...] to get this done. As described in my previous post I found myself facing off against Brad's Space Wolves again for the first 1500 point league game. The forces assembled were as follows: 1500 Point [...]

League Update

[...] Neil’s Greenskin tide and my Tau Cadre attempting to bring the Greater Good to Brad's Space! Battle report for my game will be up in the next few days but as I've updated [...]

Honour Guard and First Game

[...] do say so myself. I had my first couple of games with this list against Bradimus Prime (of the Space Wolves Grey blog) the other day and whilst I did lose both games there were an awful lot of lessons [...]

League Update and Getting My Arse Into Gear

[...] bag (although at the end of turn 5 or 6 I would have managed the draw). Congrats to Brad who's Space Wolves managed an unparalleled dominance over the league. Toy Soldier I, along with Brad and Neil, [...]

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