The Potter's Hand
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OK, moms, let's talk community. Specifically your homeschool community. Homeschooling is as varied as...well, as the people who choose to homeschool...
Over the years people seem to comment often on how they love my decorating "style". Oh, you mean the "I got it at Goodwill" style? Um, yeah...pretty sure...
I'm sure it's happened at your house. Someone drops a glass or plate and it shatters...everywhere. It's broken and useless; no longer good for its intended...
Today the mailman brought me a letter. A real, honest to goodness letter. I can't even tell y'all how happy it made my heart! It was just a few words...
I've always loved to write. As long as I can remember I've been filling notebooks with thoughts, prayers and dreams. There has never been a shortage of...
We've had weird spring weather this year. More clouds and rain than usual have made for some pretty amazing sunrises. I never tire of is evidenced...
Life has sort of knocked me on my butt these last few months. Just being real. I'll sum it all up by saying parenting is hard. Not potty training hard...
We recently got a nasty virus on our computer. We didn't know it at the time, but woke up one morning to find our computer had completely reset. Wiped...
This whole elf on the shelf thing...I'm not a big fan. Not that he's not cute and all. His funny antics can be seen on social media posts throughout the...
As I write today the doors and windows are flung open and the sun is shining. It's November. The day before Thanksgiving. We live in Idaho...where it...
Technology has its advantages, many of which I admit are helpful. Information at our fingertips, keeping up with far away family and friends and giving...
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