The Scientology Money Project


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'The Scientology Money Project' channel has an excellent rank and belongs to Scientology category. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'The Scientology Money Project' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'The Scientology Money Project' Channel

A Dedicated News Site Investigating Scientology Money, Crime, Lies & Legal Matters

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'The Scientology Money Project' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'The Scientology Money Project' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains some materials of a basic readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Negative aspect tends to prevail throughout the texts on the channel: that usually indicates a big amount of critical judgments and negatively biased opinion expressions (e.g. there may be some foul language or curse words contributing into a negative score).However, there are also some articles with a comparably favourable attitude and they make up more than one third of all the channel’s content.



Recent News

Unfortunately The Scientology Money Project has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

The Church of Scientology is a Genocidal Master Race Cult

[...] calls for a genocide of anyone 2.0 or below on the Scientology tone scale. That is what L. Ron Hubbard wrote and we discuss it in this article. Please feel free to copy or reproduce this article. [...]

The Church of Scientology’s Great Big Lie About the Death of Founder L. Ron Hubb...

[...] Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard died at approximately 8:00 PM local time on January 24, 1986 at his ranch in Creston, [...]

Church of Scientology: We Do Not Guarantee Anything!

[...] in this Scientology Policy Directive is an outright lie which states, “At no time did L. Ron Hubbard promise people anything or claim anything for Dianetics and Scientology.” Where does one even [...]

Part 2: The Epic 1990’s Blowup between PR Giant Hill & Knowlton, the Church ...

[...] , entitled What is Scientology, “Scientology is a twentieth century religion”, founded by L. Ron Hubbard in the 1950s. Scientology espouses a philosophy of self-improvement. Among Scientology’s [...]

The Church of Scientology and Tax Exemption — Part I

[...] IRS granting the Church of Scientology International (CSI) and its related entities 501(c)3 tax exemption in a secret closing agreement that shocked many people. Until and unless both the Church of [...]

The Church of Scientology and Tax Exemption — Part 2

[...] WHAT DOES “RELIGIOUS TAX EXEMPTION” MEAN IN AMERICA? Thanks to free speech, any group in America can call itself a religion. [...]

Is Attorney Bert Deixler Risking the Church of Scientology’s Tax Exemption?

[...] , Mark Rathbun, Monique Yingling, and other CSI lawyers told the IRS in support of gain tax exemption. Deixler leads with his chin in this deposition and allows Rathbun to state on the record that [...]

Church of Scientology ~~ The Scandal of IRS Tax Exemption

[...] Jeffrey Augustine explains why the Church of Scientology’s 1993 tax exemption was not an exceptional event as the Church makes it out to be. Essentially, tax exempt status [...]

Scientology Psycho-Terrorists Chris Smith and Randy Stith Strike in Hollywood!

[...] study in the psychopathology and inherent violence of cults. Acting upon orders from David Miscavige, Scientologists Chris Smith and Randy Stith are the new faces of Scientology insanity, the [...]

Did the Church of Scientology Violate the Law When It Harrassed Marty Rathbun at...

[...] decency to not risk disrupting airport operations in order to act as agents provocateur for David Miscavige. A single event can shut down an entire airport, delay flights, and cause psychological [...]

The Scientology Mafia Wall Chart

[...] latest chart compares the Church of Scientology to the classic Mafia structure. In this case, David Miscavige is the boss of the three major components of the Scientology Mafia: CSI, IAS., and the Sea [...]

PR Approaches to Handling Russia and the Church of Scientology

[...] in Russian leaders on page 2 that bears an uncanny resemblance to Scientology dictator David Miscavige and his PR flacks in the notorious Office of Special Affairs. In  terms of the Church of [...]

The Core of Scientology is Its Malicious System of Sham Contracts

[...] seeking a refund should instead consider suing individual churches, the Church of Scientology International, RTC, CST, and David Miscavige by name. These lawsuits should be widely publicized. [...]

The Church of Scientology and the Highly Obscene “R” Word

[...] the Church conducted by Church members. History: Beginning in 1991, the Church of Scientology International renewed its request to the IRS for 501(c)3 status as a tax-exempt church. The [...]

370 Scientology Domains

[...] While researching I found 370 domain names owned by the Church of Scientology International.  These domains speak volumes about Scientology concerns. 1. 2. [...]

Church of Scientology PR Offensive Against Alex Gibney and HBO Begins

[...] of membership, let’s clear up a misconception: To be legally specific, the Church of Scientology International (CSI) has no members nor can it can have any members. See: The Church of Scientology [...]

Mike Rinder Throws Down the Gauntlet at Sundance!

[...] ’s documentary features many prominent former Scientologists including former OSA Int’l boss Mike Rinder. Variety just weighed in on Gibney’s film:: “The documentary is a broadside against the [...]

Why Ideal Orgs? An Essay by Mike Rinder

[...] Foreword: This essay by Mike Rinder is so outstanding in exposing the deception underlying David Miscavige’s Ideal Org programs [...]

Surviving Scientology Radio Podcast With Mike Rinder Referenced in Garcia v. Sci...

[...] 2015: Tony Ortega today covered Church of Scientology attorney Bert Deixler’s deposition of Mike Rinder in Garcia v. Scientology.  Deixler asked Mike Rinder about the most recent interview he did [...]

Did the Church of Scientology Violate the Law When It Harrassed Marty Rathbun at...

[...] Dave Bloomberg, and Marc Yager have replaced the post of WDC OSA Legal previously held by Mike Rinder. They operate from the building that was previously CMO Gold. 2. The LAX incident was “ [...]

Anatomy of Scientology Lies: The Attack on Alex Gibney and HBO

[...] York Times. This Scientology ad was a preemptive attack upon Alex Gibney and his upcoming documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. The ad and its [...]

Time Magazine Redux: The Church of Scientology’s Hysterical Reaction to Alex Gib...

[...] has reacted very badly, and very predictably, to the Sundance Film Festival debut of Alex Gibney’s HBO documentary Going Clear: Scientology & the Prison of Belief. Gibney’s documentary is [...]

Spiritual Technology = Psychological Slavery

[...] about itself in the media and online. The Church of Scientology’s current attempts to smear Alex Gibney and HBO are an expression of the ongoing psychological manipulation of Scientologists and the [...]

Targets, Defense

[...] and harass former Church members, critics, and even Academy Award winners Paul Haggis and Alex Gibney. This is schizophrenic to say the least! HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, [...]

The Church of Scientology’s Great Big Lie About the Death of Founder L. Ron Hubb...

[...] as “Over the Rainbow.” Three days after Hubbard’s death on January 27, 1986 Church of Scientology officials, led by David Miscavige, announced that the Founder had “discarded his body” to [...]

Did the Church of Scientology Violate the Law When It Harrassed Marty Rathbun at...

[...] airport raises serious concerns that should be investigated by law enforcement. The three Scientology officials may have broken  several laws by harassing Mr. Rathbun inside a US airport: 1. The [...]

Time Magazine Redux: The Church of Scientology’s Hysterical Reaction to Alex Gib...

[...] and reviewed hundreds of court records and internal Scientology documents,’ although Scientology officials refused to be interviewed.” “The appellate court said on Jan. 12 that Behar’s [...]

What the Church of Scientology Doesn’t Want the Public to Know – Part 1

[...] of Scientology to regain 501(c)(3) tax exemption in 1993; this after having lost tax exempt status in 1967. Having gained status in America as a religion allowed the Church of [...]

Why Ideal Orgs? An Essay by Mike Rinder

[...] second element is the IRS.  The reason that churches (and other institutions) are granted tax exempt status is because they are in theory providing a public benefit. All share in the goodwill and [...]

Church of Scientology ~~ The Scandal of IRS Tax Exemption

[...] exemption was not an exceptional event as the Church makes it out to be. Essentially, tax exempt status is not a “Seal of Approval” by the US Government. Tax exempt status simply means a [...]

Mike Rinder Throws Down the Gauntlet at Sundance!

[...] broadside against the controversial religion. It argues that Scientology exploits its tax exempt status to amass millions of dollars in property and donations, behaving more like a business [...]

The Church of Scientology: Legal Implanting Rudiments – Part 1

[...] middleman between the two  taking the money. 13. There is no such thing as “Church of Scientology parishioners.” That term is both misleading and an outright lie. Rather, there is only an [...]

The Church of Scientology’s Great Big Lie About the Death of Founder L. Ron Hubb...

[...] the death of L. Ron Hubbard the Church of Scientology officials withheld from Scientology parishioners and the public at large. L. Ron Hubbard’s death certificate, autopsy results, and the [...]

The Church of Scientology is a Genocidal Master Race Cult

[...] — L. Ron Hubbard. Taped Lecture – 9 January 1962: Future Org Trends. CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY PARISHIONERS While Church of Scientology “parishioners” would protest that they abhor [...]

Lawyers In, Lawyers Out

[...] paychecks. It’s their Karma. The website has many Church of Scientology contracts listed here: Scientology Contracts Research Index The words of Scientology Founder L. Ron [...]

The Core of Scientology is Its Malicious System of Sham Contracts

[...] who request refunds. As we noted in our earlier blog entry, the entire purpose of Scientology contracts is to legally cripple its own members: How Scientology Inc. Legally Cripples Its Own [...]

?Key Phrases
The Church of Scientology is a Genocidal Master Race Cult

[...] calls for a genocide of anyone 2.0 or below on the Scientology tone scale. That is what L. Ron Hubbard wrote and we discuss it in this article. Please feel free to copy or reproduce this article. [...]

The Church of Scientology’s Great Big Lie About the Death of Founder L. Ron Hubb...

[...] Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard died at approximately 8:00 PM local time on January 24, 1986 at his ranch in Creston, [...]

Church of Scientology: We Do Not Guarantee Anything!

[...] in this Scientology Policy Directive is an outright lie which states, “At no time did L. Ron Hubbard promise people anything or claim anything for Dianetics and Scientology.” Where does one even [...]

Part 2: The Epic 1990’s Blowup between PR Giant Hill & Knowlton, the Church ...

[...] , entitled What is Scientology, “Scientology is a twentieth century religion”, founded by L. Ron Hubbard in the 1950s. Scientology espouses a philosophy of self-improvement. Among Scientology’s [...]

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