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We couldn’t even count the seconds between the time the buck landed on the road and when our van hit him. We saw him jump out of the ravine on the side...
When we were picking a name for Judah, we got quite a bit of flack about our choice. We stuck to our guns and our little man has the officious moniker...
We received a free screening of this movie in exchange for this review. We were told that if we liked plastering our maudlin faces to the screen during...
We’re pretty committed to our math program. I don’t like exploring math programs or different curricula in math, because overall I like to stay pretty...
Our family has been trying to learn Spanish seemingly forever. So when Excelerate SPANISH offered us a year of Excelerate SPANISH Streaming, we jumped...
You wouldn’t believe how many people come up to our artist/singer Marissa Renee’s art display at our concerts and say, “I can’t even draw a stick figure...
Easy Grammar Systems provided us with a copy of Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11 with Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11 Test Booklet in exchange...
One of the questions we hear pretty much every week is “What do you do about laundry?” The answer is simple. We don’t get dirty. My pants are on fire...
I’ve been “preaching” simple living for well over a decade and pursuing it since my third child was born in 2000. It prepared me (although not perfectly...
Roadschoolers often turn to CTCMath for their math needs. When the Homeschool Review Crew gave us access to their 12-month Family Membership, we thought...
Before we went on the road, I spent months drooling over the timeline materials at Home School in the Woods. Ultimately, I ended up buying different timeline...
Unfortunately Our First Accident...Oh Deer! - has no news yet.
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[...] Where on earth are The Travel Bags? According to TheTravelBags.com, we are in Nevada. According to StephenBautistaMusic.com, we [...]
[...] Last year was a trial year for The Travel Bags and Stephen Bautista Music. We wanted to make sure that we could survive on the road full-time [...]
[...] Rebekah from Simply Rebekah invited us to post a day in the life of The Travel Bags. We did this last year also, and, I must say, the days are quite different. The & [...]
[...] You’ve seen this image waaaaaayyyyy too often on The Travel Bags, haven’t you? Yes, another issue befell us on the east coast. This time a severely sloped [...]
[...] never in the same place twice. So when we’re driving along, say, the Pacific Coast in Washington State, and we see something like, I dunno, this: …we... Read the rest... [...]
[...] were calling us…and we had to go! Olympic National Park in the northwest peninsula of Washington State is amazing. And it smells like Christmas! Olympic is beautiful for its grandeur… as [...]
[...] In the northwest peninsula of Washington state, we camped near what used to be the Elwha Dam. When it was first constructed 100 years ago [...]
[...] We went to Pastor Guse’s church, Beautiful Savior, in Atlanta, Georgia. A little background: Pastor Guse’s son, Pastor Guse, was our [...]
[...] Good Friday is one of our favorite church services of the year. This year we were at Beautiful Savior in Charleston, South Carolina. The weather was rainy, but the service was beautiful! All The [...]
[...] had the same name as the church where we spent Easter for twelve years in Nevada—Beautiful Savior. A beautiful name for a beautiful event celebrating the beautiful acts of a beautiful man. [...]
[...] photos. What fun! We jumped on that invitation, even though it didn’t come with cake and ice cream. We were supposed to take hourly shots, but our hours are “ish.” In other words, 7-ish, [...]
[...] turns out chips are over-rated. And yes, that’s a scary picture. We also celebrated with ice cream… gifts…... Read the rest... [...]
[...] camera problems. Her “cake” was frozen blended bananas, which we call banana cream ice cream. She likes it,... Read the rest... [...]
Sometimes we get a little spoiled. If you’ve been paying attention, you know that we were on a highly restricted diet with Hannah. The good news [...]
[...] favorite church services of the year. This year we were at Beautiful Savior in Charleston, South Carolina. The weather was rainy, but the service was beautiful! All The Travel Bags enjoyed the [...]
It seemed appropriate that the church where we spent Easter had the same name as the church where we spent Easter for twelve years in Nevada—Bea [...]
[...] For Marissa’s birthday we explored Cape Disappointment. It’s not as disappointing as it sounds…not for us anyway. Stories vary, but [...]
[...] After Cape Disappointment, we took the birthday girl to Waikiki Beach. No, we didn’t hop a jetliner for Hawaii, [...]
[...] Marissa turned fifteen at Cape Disappointment and Waikiki Beach on the Pacific Coast of Washington. This child has had birthdays in [...]
[...] Where on earth are The Travel Bags? According to TheTravelBags.com, we are in Nevada. According to StephenBautistaMusic.com, we [...]
[...] Last year was a trial year for The Travel Bags and Stephen Bautista Music. We wanted to make sure that we could survive on the road full-time [...]
[...] Rebekah from Simply Rebekah invited us to post a day in the life of The Travel Bags. We did this last year also, and, I must say, the days are quite different. The & [...]
[...] You’ve seen this image waaaaaayyyyy too often on The Travel Bags, haven’t you? Yes, another issue befell us on the east coast. This time a severely sloped [...]
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