The UFO Hidden Spaces
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Dreaming about people - whether they are known, unknown, alive, dead or famous - is common and frequent in almost all dreams. Just...
The following urban legend is not very well known, but it is interesting. It is the Patasola, a woman who is extremely beautiful, with long black glossy...
One of the most frightening legends is that refers to the pregnant woman's twins. The story begins when Madelene Gotchalk with sign of pregnancy of Sir...
Many people disappear without anyone knowing where they went. Many of these cases involve alien abductions, usually for experimentation. The victims are...
Human beings since the dawn of mankind has felt very curious to know what the future holds, what will be the result of such a thing and if you can change...
Dreaming is an involuntary mental process which produces a reworking of information stored in memory, usually associated with experiences of the dreamer...
We all know that water covers 75% of the planet, the other 25% is land. The ocean level was kept constant by the continuous evaporation of this water...
Since ancient times man has limited space knowledge of many issues raised by its complexity would not be palatable to anyone who has no intellectual training...
The Japanese Emoto has been conducting experiments around the world about the impact of ideas, words and music on the water molecules. The descriptions...
Of the 7 wonders of antiquity, the oldest and most monumental of them all they were the Pyramids of Egypt. the Great Pyramid is 4,478 years old - or,...
According to news reports, federal investigators in New York arrested an enigmatic character in Wall Street, named Andrew Carlssin, who claimed to be...
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[...] Freddy Miller's case, recounted in detail by Sebastian Robiou in his famous book UFO Manifesto: Cuba, Puerto [...]
[...] rarely returned. Those who live to tell about it are objects of ridicule. But in the case of David Lang happened otherwise. American farmer David Lang, owned a farm near the Texas city of Gallatin. [...]
[...] of a planetary atmosphere retain part of the energy emitted by the ground being heated by solar radiation. It affects all planetary bodies endowed with atmosphere. According to current scientific [...]
[...] in a joint project between the U.S. and Germany, studied the effects and properties of solar radiation. Not only were the fastest, in addition, on 16 April 1976, the Helios 2 approached 43, [...]
[...] human race, such as Neanderthal or a separate branch of Pitecanthropus erectus, other than Homo sapiens sapiens, which has disappeared, not because Homo sapiens sapiens killed them. Not that the Cro- [...]
[...] the last leg of the sleep cycle. That is the act of dreaming that has been confirmed only in Homo sapiens. Some animals also go through REM sleep, but their subjective experience is difficult to [...]
[...] on a subliminal level in the song number four: Tomorrow. Here are answers and subliminal techniques were used on the album The Way of the Soul Cristian Castro. 1) Sub Audio. The [...]
[...] Freddy Miller's case, recounted in detail by Sebastian Robiou in his famous book UFO Manifesto: Cuba, Puerto [...]
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