The World SF Blog
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I started the World SF Blog in February of 2009 – a century in Internet time! – partly as an excuse to promote my then-forthcoming anthology...
I started the World SF Blog in February of 2009 – a century in Internet time! – partly as an excuse to promote my then-forthcoming anthology of international...
The World SF Blog was initially set up to promote the anthology, The Apex Book of World SF, which was later joined by The Apex Book of World...
The World SF Blog was initially set up to promote the anthology, The Apex Book of World SF, which was later joined by The Apex Book of World SF 2, with...
Over the past four years we’ve run a selection of articles, guest posts and round tables exclusive to the blog. Here is a small selection: Non...
Over the past four years we’ve run a selection of articles, guest posts and round tables exclusive to the blog. Here is a small selection: Non-Western...
Over the past four years we’ve run a plethora of exclusive interviews. Here is a small selection: Interview with Blaft Publications of India Portuguese...
Over the past four years we’ve run a plethora of exclusive interviews. Here is a small selection: Interview with Blaft Publications of India Portuguese...
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