The Wraith Gate
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After taking yesterday off I was able to find some time tonight to finish up one of the Guardians. Below are pictures of the completed model and paint...
After quite a few years of playing Eldar, I had set them aside when the new Grey Knight book came out to enjoy them. The Grey Knights and their 3rd and...
I just finished up the second Inquisitor leading my army here in a week and a half at the Alamo. He was a lot of fun to put together and I had the chance...
After getting a few friendly games in earlier this week I decided to move forward with the new list I'll be taking to the Alamo 40k GT. It's very similar...
Custom Minis has started production of resin heads and bases. Check them out here.
Battle Results Astronomi-con Dallas 2012 Game 1 vs Zachary K. Sisters of Battle - Urban Sprawl A fun scenario that I had the chance to play in the...
The Grey Knights The Grey Knights Astronomi-con Dallas 2012 The Blade of Antwyr The darkness of Chaos is shown, the power of the Emperor emboldens...
Here is the Inquisitor painted up with his Deamon Weapon. I went with a blood and fire theme for it, to kind of contrast with the blue theme of the Nemesis...
Getting ready for Astronomi-con here in 2 weeks can make you do devastating things to your army. Above you can see the end result of the conversion work...
I was recently asked how to take my 1,850 point Eldar army down to 750 and 1,000 pts. That's a hard one for me as 1,500 is really the lowest point level...
A comparison between Custom Minis models and Games Workshop and Forge World to see which can stand up to the heat!
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[...] The Grey Knights The Grey Knights Astronomi-con Dallas 2012 The Blade of Antwyr The darkness of Chaos is shown, the power of the [...]
So after a little more then a week of work I have finish up all of the infantry and three rhinos for the Alamo GT. I wouldn't say they're 100% done ye [...]
Now that Blogger is working again I can get a little post in here. So I was able to finish up my Grey Knight army Thursday Night and let me just say I [...]
[...] for it, to kind of contrast with the blue theme of the Nemesis Force Weapons of the other Grey Knights. Hope you guys like it. [...]
[...] me before I started to come on the board. My Turn 2 saw a couple units Deep Strike in on the right flank clearing out and obtaining 2 buildings for myself. Leaving the score Zach 3 vs 2. As more [...]
[...] Morteth Ordo Malleus Inquisitor # WS BS S T Wo I A LD Save Cost 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 3+ 57 Frag Grenades; Krak Grenaes; Psyk-out Grenades; Servo-skulls x3; Power Armour, Bolt Pistol; Daemonblade; [...]
[...] the portal in the side of the mountain. Nearly half the world was over run before Crowe and Inquisitor Morteth arrived to take control of the situation. For three months artillery shells and aerial [...]
[...] A LD Save Cost 8 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 222 Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Preferred Enemy Daemons; The Aegis; Cleansing Flame; Hammerhand; Storm Bolter; Nemesis Force Halberd; Power [...]
[...] $20 - hike + $3.50 LORD KALDOR DRAIGO £14.50 - $23.50 - was $22.25 - hike + $1.25 CASTELLAN CROWE £10.50 - $17 - was $16.50 - hike + $.50 INQUISITOR COTEAZ £10.50 - $17 - was $16.50 - [...]
[...] , it was deemed that the blade would be put into the hands of one who could not be turned, Castellan Crowe. 218.41M The Blade of Antwyr will have a new bearer… A Heroic Sacrifice In the glow of the [...]
[...] Custom Minis has started production of resin heads and bases. Check them out here. [...]
[...] Check out the new Custom Minis website and store. [...]
[...] Here are a couple images posted on Custom Minis yesterday. [...]
[...] Hill Purifier Squad # WS BS S T Wo I A LD Save Cost 8 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 222 Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Psyk-out Grenades; Preferred Enemy Daemons; The Aegis; Cleansing Flame; Hammerhand; Storm [...]
[...] The Grey Knights The Grey Knights Astronomi-con Dallas 2012 The Blade of Antwyr The darkness of Chaos is shown, the power of the Emperor [...]
[...] Battle Results Astronomi-con Dallas 2012 Game 1 vs Zachary K. Sisters of Battle - Urban Sprawl A fun scenario that I had the [...]
[...] ORK GRETCHIN $15.00 $16.50 ELDAR DIRE AVENGERS $33.00 $37.25 ELDAR GUARDIANS $33.00 $35.00 ELDAR BATTLEFORCE $90.00 $95.00 ELDAR FALCON GRAV TANK $41.25 $49.50 CADIAN HEAVY WEAPON SQUAD $35.00 $38.75 [...]
[...] The Grey Knights The Grey Knights Astronomi-con Dallas 2012 The Blade of Antwyr The darkness of Chaos is shown, the power of the [...]
So after a little more then a week of work I have finish up all of the infantry and three rhinos for the Alamo GT. I wouldn't say they're 100% done ye [...]
Now that Blogger is working again I can get a little post in here. So I was able to finish up my Grey Knight army Thursday Night and let me just say I [...]
[...] for it, to kind of contrast with the blue theme of the Nemesis Force Weapons of the other Grey Knights. Hope you guys like it. [...]
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