Tricks Terminal - Orkut Tricks Google News Blogging Tips Tricks Computer ...
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Now a days, everyone has a facebook account. People get scammed and even get hacked. So, keeping the facebook account safe do come as an important issue...
For all those who think the new FB Chat sidebar sucks...and want the old chat sidebar back... then here's latest TricksTerminal tip for you. Use the...
-To bold your text, add an asterisk (*) before and after content. eg: this will turn bold - To italic your text, add an underscore (_) before and after...
1. Type message into the share box 2. Modify the list of people you're sharing with to contain just one person (for example, my friend Joe in the example...
Winzip & Winrar are the most popular software's used for handing archive formats like zip, rar, iso, etc! Both of the above software's obviously...
As you all know, Google's online Android Market is huge and has over 200,000+ Apps. They include from free apps as well as paid apps. Paid apps costs...
Have you ever felt annoyed by Adobe flash content playing from different corners of a web page. Annoying music playing from web pages. Videos automatically...
Cleanup Assistant is a set of over 20 tools designed to help you increase your computer's performance, clean your disks and protect your privacy. Cleanup...
Ever wondered what might be your computer's gender?? well, we'll tell you how to find it.. Open Notepad Copy & paste the below code: CreateObject...
This feature has been enabled by facebook around 1 month back, but still very few people know this! That is the reason why i'm posting it here! ;-) ...
What is Jotform? JotForm is the first web based form builder. Its intuitive drag and drop user interface makes form building a breeze. Using JotForm...
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