True Football Manager 2014
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Hello guys, Thank you for joining me again. This blog post no. 841 is totally dedicated to future year with new game. Unluckily, we have no news about...
Hi dear readers, Thanks for coming back to True Football Manager blog. I want to share the latest news from my FM 2014 in this blog update #840. AZ story...
Hello dear readers, I had two options before January: Leave squad as it is and gain a middle league position reliably Make transfers taking some risks...
Dear blog readers, Hello and welcome back again. As you know I changed the job: Dresden story got transformed into AZ story. Today I am ready to account...
Dear blog readers, So here is my first AZ blog post. As you remember season 8 began and my new club is at the bottom of Eredivisie. Today I want to make...
Dear blog readers, My Euro 2020 story has a sudden end. I merely didn’t manage to beat Greece in the first knockout round. That turned into an absolute...
Hi guys, Welcome back to True Football Manager blog! As you know Dresden story turned into Belgium story while I have been in a job search of my next...
Hello dear blog readers, It’s weird to be unemployed after all. Though it’s fair as for me. Even after having read some of your comments to the last blog...
Hello dear readers, Another Dresden story update today. Though this time it’s very unusual one, I would say unique. Remember I was intending to win all...
Hello dear readers, Blog post 828 is dedicated to progress of Dynamo Dresden in season 7. Squad revolution is already behind, ambitions and expectations...
Dear readers, Welcome back to my blog. The post title sounds somewhat pessimistic but I hope I will continue to manage Dynamo Dresden onwards. Tactical...
Unfortunately True Football Manager 2014 has no news yet.
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[...] Hello dear readers, Perhaps you expected me to be more quick in starting Dresden story but I couldn’t begin [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, It’s the blog post #814 at True Football Manager blog. Thanks for joining me again. It’s [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, It’s nice to see you at True Football Manager blog once again. Blog update no.803 for you [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, It’s True Football Manager on air, blog post no. 808. First and foremost I would like to [...]
[...] Dear readers, Welcome back to Dresden story! It’s ran up to exciting moment – the first transfer window. I should confess I am going to be [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, Dresden story continues, and this is blog post no.798 at all. Glad you joined me this time! After vast [...]
[...] Hi guys, Blog post No.791 at True Football Manager is completely dedicated to Dresden story. A half of the season is behind and we can take a look at the results. But firstly I would [...]
[...] Hi guys, Welcome back to True Football Manager blog! As you know Dresden story turned into Belgium story while I have been in a job search of my next club. Belgium quite [...]
[...] post #818 today and it contains huge amount of news. Briefly: Absolutely different results of Dynamo Dresden in Bundesliga and Champions League Latest Belgium matches My World Cup final and 3rd place [...]
[...] those who are new here: I am in season 5 and having my first experience in Europa League with Dynamo Dresden. This article is numbered 806 in the whole True Football Manager blog history. First and [...]
[...] Manager 2014 during weekend and was happy about that. It was a difficult interval for Dynamo Dresden and especially me as its head coach. My club sank at the bottom line of the league table. It [...]
[...] ’s time to share its latest news. Here are all matches played during the last week of my life: Dynamo Dresden in Germany and Europe As you see from the results [...]
[...] Dear friends, True Football Manager blog has just become absolutely ad-free. At first in its whole history since 2007! I decided [...]
[...] Dear friends, Thanks for joining True Football Manager blog again. It –17 degrees behind the window, meanwhile I continue to write about Dynamo [...]
[...] Hi everybody, Thanks for joining me again. It’s Dresden story and post No.781 at True Football Manager blog. I’ve just finished to play February & March games in the 3rd season and am sharing [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, Welcome back to Dresden story at True Football Manager blog! Blog post #787 today for you. Season 4 in the story, and it’s time to share how I [...]
[...] Dear readers, --- First and foremost I would like to say how I’m happy about Ukraine – France match. Our [...]
[...] Hello my dear readers, I am ready to report about all staff changes during my first active transfer window. I was [...]
[...] Dear readers, I hope you will find something interesting in this interview taken by Anmol Sharma. It was a [...]
[...] Dear readers, Dresden story continues and actually it’s only beginning I would say. 25 fixtures of the [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, Dynamo Dresden story has already been started and I am glad to represent my club review just right now. I feel [...]
[...] the blog and following latest story events. If you are new visitor, then you should it’s Dynamo Dresden story in FM 2014. And today I will tell you about the first matches of season 2 played just [...]
[...] Hello readers, It’s Dynamo Dresden story. Blog post No.766 at True Football Manager! Today I’ve prepared some news about the latest [...]
[...] True Football Manager again. It’s time to share 2 backup tactics used by me in Dynamo Dresden story. Both of them are based on my main tactic which was presented earlier. [...]
[...] Dear blog readers, Since my Facepack post, part of you has been permanently asking about similar logo pack. I [...]
[...] Dear blog readers, While Ukraine (my native country where I live) is turning to dictatorship :(, I am ready to [...]
[...] Dear blog readers, Welcome back to my blog. It’s blog post #819 that looks even more paradoxical than the [...]
[...] Dear blog readers, My Euro 2020 story has a sudden end. I merely didn’t manage to beat Greece in the first [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, Blog update no. 802 and it’s still about Dynamo Dresden. I came back from my Georgian trip and continued to [...]
[...] Hello all, True Football Manager story in Dresden continues, and this is blog update no. 805. Thanks for joining me again. I think you’ll be surprised by latest events happened [...]
[...] Hi dear blog readers, This blog update has number 823 and can be crucial for my Dynamo Dresden. I had been thinking whole my vacation [...]
[...] to True Football Manager blog. I want to share the latest news from my FM 2014 in this blog update #840. AZ story continues after some squad changes made in January. That’s nice I can [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, Perhaps you expected me to be more quick in starting Dresden story but I couldn’t begin [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, It’s the blog post #814 at True Football Manager blog. Thanks for joining me again. It’s [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, It’s nice to see you at True Football Manager blog once again. Blog update no.803 for you [...]
[...] Hello dear readers, It’s True Football Manager on air, blog post no. 808. First and foremost I would like to [...]
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