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The debate, if one can call it that, that took place on 13th March 2014 on the proposed draft local development plan ended in a vote that was closer than...
At the full council meeting held on Thursday 13th March 2014, councillors at South Cambridgeshire District Council voted by a small majority to accept...
It has been a long time coming …. and now I am pleased to say that superfast broadband has now reached parts of Highfields Caldecote where it previously...
A Tory plan to cut funding for the county’s Dial-a-Ride and other community transport schemes which could lead to their total collapse has been...
“Multi-million pound deal struck to provide community facilities at Northstowe” This is the spin that South Cambridgeshire District...
Celebrating the life of an extra-ordinary man. A giant amongst men. He earned his place in history through struggle, shrewdness, persistence and faith...
An amazing tribute to Nelson Mandela sung by the Soweto Gospel Choir as a #flashmob in a Woolworth’s store in Pretoria, South Africa....
When a good opportunity presents itself to solve a long standing problem, as tax payers we would expect our councils to take the opportunity and alleviate...
As many people know, Madingley exchange which serves the villages of Caldecote, Childerley, Hardwick, Coton and Madingley was one of 10 exchanges that...
The much talked about and hated bedroom tax has hit the headlines yet again. This time, the claim is that the bedroom tax has resulted in more than 5...
From April 2013 Welfare Reform changes have taken place which means Housing Benefit is potentially reduced for households deemed to be under-occupying...
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Cartoonists.Org.UK – professional cartoonist and illustrator!
Cartoonists - One of the UK's most experienced and top cartoonists and illustrator.
PERKI.ORG.UK adalah sebuah Organisasi Non-Profit. Layaknya organisasi pada umumnya, PERKI.ORG.UK bertujuan untuk memenuh...