TurnKey Publishing by Matthew Chan: Independent Book Publishing, Audio Pu...
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In this follow-up to the prior post where I assembled “must-read” Amanda Hocking links for any publisher, author, or writer, I began a list of “must-see...
I have been a little slow to notice the Amanda Hocking phenomenon that seems to have taken the writing blogs by storm because I do not consider myself...
Matthew Chan is launching Defiantly.net which will host a series of new articles and commentary on the current state of independent publishing, his publishing...
In January 1984, at the age of 17, Matthew received his first rejection letter from MCA Publishing to explore writing a Battlestar Pegasus novel (based...
As the first new titles are being designed, written, and developed for the upcoming TurnKey Publishing series, a concept I will be discussing and describing...
With the recent and tremendous growth of independent publishers, a newly emerging niche of independent publishing is CEO Publishing. CEO Publishing, as...
Some reader reviews and testimonials of “The TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” ====== Anyone can become a Audio Publisher! I recently...
Some reader reviews and testimonials of “TurnKey Publishing”. ======= The Author who Inspired Me! After reading this book my world was transformed...
Midwest Book Review gives both “TurnKey Publishing” and “The TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” favorable reviews. There is now a brand new...
“LEARN THE SECRETS OF AUDIO PUBLISHING TRADITIONAL PUBLISHERS HAVE NOT YET DISCOVERED!” For decades, writing and publishing a book has been the traditional...
Unfortunately TurnKey Publishing by Matthew Chan: Independent Book Publishing, Audio Pu... has no news yet.
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[...] Some reader reviews and testimonials of “TurnKey Publishing”. ======= The Author who Inspired Me! After reading this book my world was transformed! I [...]
[...] Midwest Book Review gives both “TurnKey Publishing” and “The TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” favorable reviews. There is now a [...]
[...] page, Dedication, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapter 1 ======= Reader Testimonials: TurnKey Publishing Testimonial for “TurnKey Publishing” book by Marsha Friedman, CEO of EMSI Midwest Book [...]
[...] === Reader Testimonials: TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook Midwest Book Review: “TurnKey Publishing” & “TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” ======== [...]
[...] Handbook” ====== Anyone can become a Audio Publisher! I recently picked up two books from Matthew Chan. The first book being Vol. 1 of his new Turnkey Publishing Series and Vol 2. which shows you [...]
[...] over a dozen audio programs for several business seminar speakers/instructors. In 2003, Matthew Chan launched Ascend Beyond Publishing. He authored and published his first business [...]
[...] Matthew Chan is launching Defiantly.net which will host a series of new articles and commentary on the [...]
[...] my manuscript and cut me a deal? Well, these questions went out the window as soon as I read Matthew Chan’s well organized, to the point, and easily explained way to create my own publishing company [...]
[...] product within a matter of weeks. In traditional publishing, whether it is print or audio books, the lead time and preparation time is tremendously long, often many months and sometimes [...]
[...] your own audio books and audio programs. Traditional publishers continue to produce boring audio books by hiring voice talent to read words from books into a microphone. However, entrepreneurial [...]
[...] of his new Turnkey Publishing Series and Vol 2. which shows you how to create and self publish audio books and programs. To the best of my knowledge, I have never seen a book that covers the topic of [...]
[...] , credibility, and distinction of being an author. The rising popularity of audio books and audio programs have provided unprecedented opportunities to become an author by writing and publishing your [...]
[...] in the sense that it opened me up to an idea I never thought of which was creating audio programs. So instead of just having books I could also have audio programs as well. All in all I’m [...]
[...] publishing, his publishing projects, as well as many other topics and issue. New books and audio programs will be written by Matthew Valor, Matthew Chan’s pen name. More will be revealed at the [...]
[...] the recent and tremendous growth of independent publishers, a newly emerging niche of independent publishing is CEO Publishing. CEO Publishing, as the name implies, is a specialized form of business [...]
[...] my first book. Reading Chan’s book immediately provided me great insight in the independent publishing. The book also provided tips on how to start “Writing Your Book” as Chan spent the entire [...]
[...] .net which will host a series of new articles and commentary on the current state of independent publishing, his publishing projects, as well as many other topics and issue. New books and audio [...]
[...] , Copyright page, Dedication, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapter 1 ======= Reader Testimonials: TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook Midwest Book Review: “TurnKey [...]
[...] , Copyright page, Dedication, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapter 1 ======= Reader Testimonials: TurnKey Publishing Testimonial for “TurnKey Publishing” book by Marsha Friedman, [...]
Some reader reviews and testimonials of “TurnKey Publishing”. ======= The Author who Inspired Me! After reading this book my world was transfor [...]
Some reader reviews and testimonials of “The TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” ====== Anyone can become a Audio Publisher! I rec [...]
[...] “LEARN THE SECRETS OF INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING THAT TRADITIONAL PUBLISHERS DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW!” During these challenging economic times, getting the extra [...]
[...] “LEARN THE SECRETS OF AUDIO PUBLISHING TRADITIONAL PUBLISHERS HAVE NOT YET DISCOVERED!” For decades, writing and publishing a book has been the [...]
[...] it still never made sense to me. She had also mentioned that David Schaefer had a publishing business but was pretty vague about it. Well, I know why now! “QP” stands for “Queenship [...]
[...] given us the “inside scoop” on how to publish your own books and how things work in the publishing business, but he has laid it out in a way that is simple, easy to understand and walks us through [...]
[...] instructions from the beginning all the way to the end. Matthew will take you inside his publishing business and show you exactly how he creates his titles. I was really surprised at how easy it is to [...]
[...] Some reader reviews and testimonials of “The TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” ====== Anyone can become a Audio Publisher! I recently picked up two books from [...]
[...] Some reader reviews and testimonials of “TurnKey Publishing”. ======= The Author who Inspired Me! After reading this book my world was transformed! I [...]
[...] Midwest Book Review gives both “TurnKey Publishing” and “The TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” favorable reviews. There is now a [...]
[...] page, Dedication, Table of Contents, Introduction, Chapter 1 ======= Reader Testimonials: TurnKey Publishing Testimonial for “TurnKey Publishing” book by Marsha Friedman, CEO of EMSI Midwest Book [...]
[...] === Reader Testimonials: TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook Midwest Book Review: “TurnKey Publishing” & “TurnKey Publisher’s Audio Publishing Handbook” ======== [...]
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