Two Homes Two Moms
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My Mom in law and I decided that we combine our money to buy my husband a new keyboard. His old piano keyboard was really nice but it didn’t survive at...
I asked my hubby today, what music can he recommend with mandolin played in it. He said how about try researching Mandolin by Vivaldi. I searched and...
I like listening to Christian bands playing electric guitar and my husband likes to listen to Spanish classical guitar. I also like to listen the Classical...
The leaves are changing colors. The chill in the air makes you want to roast some marshmallows outside. A couple of days ago, we just started our first...
I saw in our local library last week that they are running a Photography contest for Adult. They have a separate contest for Teens but I’m not a teen...
My son and I went to his Grandma’s blueberry enclosure the other day and we saw two birds trapped inside. He said mommy, let’s get those birds out! And...
I remember buying a new $10 wireless speaker once for my iPod and I didn’t like the sound quality. I say when I get a new speaker again, I will definitely...
We found a huge playground after church one day. We’ve never seen that huge before. We took advantage to use it as we are the only ones there. I’m also...
How do you prepare your home before going out of town or vacation? We have an upcoming conference this week and we’ll be out of town. I am busy washing...
My husband wanted to treat us to go to Erie zoo after his Neurosurgeon appointment. He is really anxious about it and he said whether the outcome is positive...
My dear little V is having fun playing the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em robot game with his Uncle one winter day. He just loves pressing those buttons...
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[...] . I told her we shall see because at the moment, I am still fresh about it after attending a Bible conference and concert. I encouraged her that she should go to the bible conference too as I know she [...]
[...] held at Franciscan University in 2009. This summer, my husband and I are going to a big Bible conference held at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. I am excited about it and I am reading [...]
[...] held at Franciscan University in 2009. This summer, my husband and I are going to a big Bible conference held at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. I am excited about it and I am reading [...]
[...] I bought this prayer bracelet after our bible conference in July. I love wearing it. I write my prayer intentions in a tiny piece of paper, fold it [...]
[...] are some that I didn’t like. I usually like the ones that has lots of noise in the electric guitar. If you want to know what I mean, check out the video of this exciting hardtail at [...]
[...] their instruments. While they were playing one man called Little G and let him touch his electric guitar. Little G felt excited and I let him approach the man. He strum the guitar for a few minutes. [...]
[...] I like listening to Christian bands playing electric guitar and my husband likes to listen to Spanish classical guitar. I also like to listen the [...]
[...] . I told her we shall see because at the moment, I am still fresh about it after attending a Bible conference and concert. I encouraged her that she should go to the bible conference too as I know she [...]
[...] held at Franciscan University in 2009. This summer, my husband and I are going to a big Bible conference held at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. I am excited about it and I am reading [...]
[...] held at Franciscan University in 2009. This summer, my husband and I are going to a big Bible conference held at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. I am excited about it and I am reading [...]
[...] I bought this prayer bracelet after our bible conference in July. I love wearing it. I write my prayer intentions in a tiny piece of paper, fold it [...]
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