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Someone posted a YouTube video several years ago that captured me behaving inappropriately towards a young lady in a parking lot. https:/...
Finally, the Pullman Police loose in a court proceeding against Christopher Jack Reid!!! As some of you might know, Chris has been suing the City...
I showed Chris an article http://www.dailyevergreen.com/news/article_49844a78-6fb0-11e4-848d-dbf35ffb5416.html recently posted by TheDailyEvergreen...
Here is a note from one of Chris’ close friends Ed- We welcome anyone to write to us and share your story here on the blog about how you know Chris!...
“Nearly five years after requesting access to the SCCC Woodshop, I am excited to share that I finally made it to the top of the waiting list! I’ve posted...
“After obtaining documents that reveal the exact steps Pullman Police took in order to hang me up on rape charges that Monday, September 17, 2007, its...
“To begin with, I had no idea police were contacted or that anyone in Pullman considered my actions to have been criminal. The prosecutor’s version had...
“There is certainly a lot of time to work out and stay in shape while in prison. The only missing ingredient is lean proteins in the food. Stafford Creek...
“The most common reaction people have had when learning about my criminal case, at least those who’ve communicated with either me or my loved ones, is...
A little known fact is that Chris actually lives in a prison unit with inmates who all served in one of our nation’s branches of military. It’s called...
WHAT IS CHRISTMAS LIKE IN PRISON? Chris sent me these pictures of him and his cellmate Mr. Kim in front of their cell door last month. They placed 2nd...
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