UKIP West Midlands
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UKIP leader Nigel Farage has today blasted the Conservative-led government for its undemocratic forcing through of plain packaging for cigarettes ? after...
Nigel Farage, leader of Britain's "Most Popular Party" according to a Comres poll, will be speaking at this open public meeting hosted by West Midlands...
"Come and Meet James Carver MEP for the West Midlands who sits on the EU Foreign Affairs Committee and is UKIPs Commonwealth Spokesman"Former Conservative...
Reacting to Ofcom's decision to recognise UKIP as a major party in the forthcoming elections, UKIP Chairman, Steve Crowther said: ?I am pleased to hear...
UKIP held its latest national day of action on Tuesday against Britain’s toll roads, describing them as ‘highway robbery’.Party activists delivered the...
UKIP Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall MEP and West Midlands MEP Bill Etheridge will be holding a public meeting in the Black Country next week.The meeting will...
Thankfully, UKIP will take the lead and use its People's Army to campaign for a straight vote to get us out of the EU allowing us to trade freely with...
West Midlands MEPs James Carver and Bill Etheridge have called for calm following news that a taxpayer-funded anti-democratic group is due to organise...
(Pictured): Front row centre left to right Bill Etheridge, Jill Seymour and James Carver, joined by fellow UKIP MEPs from across the country flying the...
West Midlands MEP James Carver has today welcomed the news that Nigel Farage is to stay on as UKIP Leader. UKIP MEP James Carver says the party’s decision...
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