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Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) M Nuh mengatakan ujian nasional (UN) memiliki tujuan lain yang jauh lebih penting dibandingkan persoalan...
Pemerintah melalui Badan Standardisasi Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)yang diwakili Teuku Ramli Zakaria menegaskan, tak ada perubahan jadwal Ujian Nasional...
Though a lot of party debate, the policy on the national exam (UN) in 2012 will not change. Head Balitbang Kemdiknas, Khairil Anwar said UN policy (both...
Suspected cases of mass cheating going on SDN II Gadel Surabaya again raises the need to re-evaluate the implementation of the polemic of the National...
Graduation rate of the national examination (UN) Primary School in Jakarta in 2011 reached 100 per cent despite the alleged fraud had marred the SDN ...
Latihan Soal Bahasa Indonesia UN SD 2011 or Drill of Bahasa Indonesia for UN SD 2011 composition is 50 about to be done in time approximately 120 minutes...
We are proud to child primary mathematics UN so load is not too, no complaints and hopefully a little hard to say. Cuman in some areas such as in the...
Problem IPA UN made about 40 (forty) and only applies to UN about SMP / MTS, and the UN SD / MI. Natural sciences (IPA) or Science in the narrow sense...
We are pleased to publish the POS UN SD 2011 or POS UASBN SD 2011(Standard Operating Procedures for the national exam SD and MI), we encourage you to...
Towards the end of school year, sales of books about the collection of national examinations and national standard school final exams jumped dramatically...
Package National Standard School Final Examination of the National Standard (UASBN) for primary school (SD) 75 percent of which will be determined by...
Unfortunately UN SD or UASBN SD/MI 2012 has no news yet.
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