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The rumors that Google was planning to launch redesigned child-friendly products for users under thirteen are actually turning out to be true. According...
The world famous singer Taylor Swift returned to perform for a second time at the Victorias Secret fashion show that was held in London on one condition...
On Tuesday a large part of Detroit, from schools to fire stations, public buildings and traffic signals were without power. The power failure is a reflection...
A suspect in the West Virginia shooting incident was found dead by police on Monday night. The thirty-nine year old suspect, Jody Lee Hunt, had killed...
The famous Hollywood actress Joan Collins talks about being raped in her teenage years in a film called “Brave New World.” But this is not the first time...
The alum of Real World: New Orleans, Ryan Knight has been found dead on Thursday morning. The lifeless body of Knight was found in the home of one of...
Merrill Conrad was rummaging through a pile of coins at his local SA when he suddenly saw a flash of plastic, igniting his curiosity. He immediately pulled...
Florida was shaken by the latest horrific case of atrocity on children when a little girl, aged only 3,was beaten up and then raped by a man who had recently...
Like every celebrity before her, Taylor Swift has finally admitted that the spotlight of the glamour world has both upsides and downsides. Of course,...
After the Grand Jury decided not toindict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown, the colored teenager in Ferguson, the town is...
Chuck Hagel has been removed from his post, and senior administrators want it to be clear that the Defense Secretary has been removed by the President...
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