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residential slim split air source heat pump14KW Function: water heating, room heating and cooling Composition:indoor unit,outdoor unit Application:residential...
glasswool sandwich panel hot sale brandname:wanjinlong effective width of panel:950mm material of top/back board:corrugated color - coated steel sheet...
rockwool sandwich panel for garage brandname:wanjinlong effective width of panel:950mm material of top/back board:corrugated color - coated steel sheet...
wanjinlong insulated EPS sandwich panel brandname:wanjinlong type:wall and roof panel effective width of wall panel:960mm,1150mm effective width of roof...
Heat pump type Light commercial 4 way R410a 28K Ceiling Cassette split Air Conditioner Function:Central Heating, central cooling and dehumidifying application...
corrugated insulated EPS sandwich panel brandname:wanjinlong type:wall and roof panel effective width of wall panel:960mm,1150mm effective width of roof...
rockwool sandwich panel for cold storage brandname:wanjinlong effective width of panel:950mm material of top/back board:corrugated color - coated steel...
glasswool sandwich panel for sale brandname:wanjinlong effective width of panel:950mm material of top/back board:corrugated color - coated steel sheet...
fireproof sandwich panel for industrial plants brandname:wanjinlong effective width of panel: 950mm material of top/back board: color galvanized steel...
Polyurethane Foam Sandwich Panel for garage brandname:wanjinlong effective width of sandwich panel: 1000mm material of top/back board: color steel sheet...
rockwool sandwich panel for garage brandname:wanjinlong effective width of panel:950mm material of top/back board:corrugated color - coated steel sheet...
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