Under The Lindens
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As One Door Closes... Meet Bilbo, who saved our sanity in the wake of losing Stanzi. He came to us as a stray, shortly before we had to say goodbye...
With Great Sadness 3 plus years is a long time to leave a blog; I've been meaning to revive this since the end of last year but have been putting this...
I love gadgets and I especially love getting to grips with a new one and exploring what it can do. Our new Artistic Wire Coiling Gizmo is no exception...
I love gadgets and I especially love getting to grips with a new one and exploring what it can do. Our new Artistic Wire Coiling Gizmo is no exception...
Following on from a brief excursion into making fabric beads (to which I will return, oh yes!) I've turned my attention to making yoyos. This decision...
Following on from a brief excursion into making fabric beads (to which I will return, oh yes!) I've turned my attention to making yoyos. This decision...
Well, hello again everyone and here I am at last after heaven knows how many long months (a year or more, even!) away from this blog, very sorry for the...
Well, hello again everyone and here I am at last after heaven knows how many long months (a year or more, even!) away from this blog, very sorry for the...
The second of my posts on recent wonderful finds on Etsy and Folksy. I mentioned in my last post about re-considering the type of jewellery I make and...
This is the first of a series of posts about all the lovely things I've been buying on Etsy and Folksy recently. The first two of these posts are going...
The second of my posts on recent wonderful finds on Etsy and Folksy. I mentioned in my last post about re-considering the type of jewellery I make and...
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