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Please refer below for the different ways of How to exchange 500 Rupee and 1000 Rupees currency notes after the decision by the central government to...
Please find here the important dates that you need to make a note of for the upcoming 2016 Andhra Pradesh EAMCET entrance exam. Notification of AP EAMCET...
Please find here the updates related to the AIR rank declaration (All India Rank) by the CBSE related to the Engineering Admissions for the upcoming academic...
CCMT Centralized Counseling schedule and online registration for MTech, MArch, MPlanPlease find here all the information that is needed for CCMT Online...
http://www.ccb.nic.in - CSAB Counseling Schedule and Admission procedure from CCB (Central Counselling Board)Find below the details related to the 20...
Karnataka Teachers Eligibility Test Results and notification details: http://www.caconline.in/ is the website for the Karnataka Teachers Eligiblity Test...
As you all know Kerala LET 2014 entrance test (For admissions to BTech courses) was completed on 26th April and now it is going to be the time for seeing...
VIT University Vellore Counseling Registration, schedule and contact details including hostel information for Engineering admissions As you all know results...
Admission, application and fees details for Management Quota Seats in Engineering Colleges As you all know after 12th / Inter education students are...
List of Seats in Engineering colleges in Bangalore, Karnataka under Management Quota and the address / Contact details Here are some of the engineering...
As you all know now that we have the JEE Main results and most of the board results are declared, it is time to start knowing your JEE Main ranks after...
Unfortunately Updates on Results, Admissions, Scholarships, Jobs, Recruitment has no news yet.
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[...] to as CEEP. The notification for this newly named CEEP can be downloaded from the following location: http://sbtetap.gov.in/Notifications/7-3-13-345Polycet%20Notification-2013.pdf. [...]
[...] Mysore. The JSSU UGET 2013 Admission Notification is available for download from the following location on the official website of this university: http://jssuni.edu.in/assets/Brochure--Calender- [...]
[...] marks obtained, here is the clarification as released by JEE Interface Group (JIG) at the following location: http://jeemain.nic.in/jeemain2013/pdf/Normalization%20Formula_2013.pdfThe above link has [...]
[...] Please find the latest updates related to the upcoming JEE (Main) - 2013 entrance test, this post is related to the downloading of online admit cards for this JEE common entrance [...]
[...] in Andhra Pradesh, so her is an update on EAMCET 2013 Answer Keys and Solutions, once the entrance test is complete we are expecting the preliminary keys to be available from www.apeamcet.org. As [...]
[...] As we are coming closer to the entrance test and the entire process of Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA 2013), here is the [...]
[...] Please find here the detailed admissions and Counseling Schedule from SASTRA University, as you all know the rank list of both stream 1 and stream 2 have [...]
[...] CCMT Centralized Counseling schedule and online registration for MTech, MArch, MPlanPlease find here all the information that is [...]
[...] Police http://mahapoliceonline.mahaonline.gov.in/home.do. You can get the details of the detailed advertisement, total vacancies available, steps to fill in the online application form, registration [...]
[...] Public Sector Insurance companies in India (these will be Class III cadre positions), the detailed advertisement along with different annexures for these insurance job vacancies is available at the [...]
[...] :11/06/13 and the same is posted at http://www.delhimetrorail.com/career.aspx.To see the detailed advertisement for these DMRC vacancies kindly visit: http://www.eapplynew.com/dmrc-am/doc/ [...]
[...] of various posts. this society works under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), the detailed advertisement can be downloaded from: [...]
[...] The notification and online application details for CBSE Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) July 2013 exam are now available. [...]
National Eligiblity Cum Entrance Test (NEET UG 2013) timetable has been announced along with the details on application forms, registration. All of th [...]
[...] the verification of marks for CBSE 2013 examinations, so here are the inputs and the online application details for the same. Online application for verification can be obtained from the following [...]
[...] to as CEEP. The notification for this newly named CEEP can be downloaded from the following location: http://sbtetap.gov.in/Notifications/7-3-13-345Polycet%20Notification-2013.pdf. [...]
[...] Mysore. The JSSU UGET 2013 Admission Notification is available for download from the following location on the official website of this university: http://jssuni.edu.in/assets/Brochure--Calender- [...]
[...] marks obtained, here is the clarification as released by JEE Interface Group (JIG) at the following location: http://jeemain.nic.in/jeemain2013/pdf/Normalization%20Formula_2013.pdfThe above link has [...]
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