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Well emergencies happen, and if you are caught in a tough situation which requires emergency help, I believe your smartphone...
I love listening to hip hop music, and whenever I have some spare time at home, I’d put on my...
Tegra-powered gaming devices are some of the top gaming rigs in the market, and if you are indeed shopping for...
The banjo isn’t really a mainstream musical instrument, as clearly, most people would opt to play the guitar or bass...
Smartwatches are all the rage these days, whereby the watch comes equipped with a nifty Android operating system, which gives...
Valentine’s Day is in a couple of day’s time, and if you have yet to get the perfect Valentine present...
Quite frankly speaking OUYA-based Android games are abundant, which makes it one of the most desirable gaming machines out there....
A good friend of mine is a light technician, and whenever there’s a gig, he’d be there to setup the...
Most scientists have theorized a lot of theories regarding our universe, and some of these theories are proven to be...
Medical costs are rising steadily over the past decades, and you should always protect your financial and health interests, simply...
Online security loopholes are everywhere, and just like Google, it looks like Yahoo is set to enhance their security, with...
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