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Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could kindly spent few minutes to fill a survey on the 'benefits of Vipassana meditation'. This is for a school...
I am feeling much better after reading some of the opinions i have read here. Some of my friends are very much into goenka`s vipassana courses and they...
the term means to "see things as they really are".. has anybody taken this literally? or do you rather interpret this to mean something akin to a kind...
i recently went to the vipassana center by s.n.goenka. as read on the interent, there is nothing written about the technique( obviously business style...
I neither recommend it or don't. I simply wish to share my thoughts. I know it is valuable for many. I enjoyed the first 24 hours or so, and the setting...
MEDITATE AND DESTROY is NOW ON DVD!! MEDITATE AND DESTROY is a 81 minute documentary about punk rock, spirituality, and inner rebellion through the eyes...
My Dears, I just discovered, to my amazement, that the attic of the new place I moved in has an incredible potential. Visit the posting at http://sfbay...
“I surrender myself completely to Buddha and my present teacher for proper guidance and protection”. Each participant is asked to repeat...
I wrote the piece below for followers of a different path. Since I noticed the topic on this board about people attacking each other, I thought I would...
Goenka SN can speak english although he sounds a bit like Count Dracula. Why can't he chant in english? Does he chant in pali to show how superior and...
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