Virtual Music Teacher
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Little Composers composing music tips for kids Here are a few composing music tips to help our new students as they get started. Little Composers, Little...
After a few weeks of testing, Best Online Lessons has gone live and if you teach or tutor children of age three and up, feel free to advertise your services...
Why no online submission form Why no online submission form is a response to the way kids enter the 2013 Creative Children Compose Music contest. First...
Little Composers is pleased to announce our first 2013 online composition contest for kids Today, we posted the online composition contest rules and entry...
The Little Composers network develops the best educational software for children and has expanded to four websites and two development branches. Soon...
Welcome xyloFUN, our latest addition to the Little Composers Network. Beginning something is always exciting and our mission is to make sure that the...
About 200 years ago, high society gathered at the opera listening to hours of music composed by, presumably, someone famous or at least, famous today...
Meet Ms. Pink, one of the Visual Music Teachers here at” On-line learning and long-distance education are here to stay which means that we...
We are pleased to announce the first on-line Composition Contest for Kids here at Little Composers and invite children of age four and up to participate...
How to compose and play my own songs – Part 1 Multi media is everywhere and without music, TV, movies, games, advertising and many other things are boring...
Learn sharps and flats with this interactive color notes chart for Little Composers. Music notation can be confusing but that doesn’t stop our Little...
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