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Undoubtedly, WordPress serves as the foundation for user satisfaction and engagement. In an age where instant gratification and a seamless experience...
Should one seek to monetize their content, the WordPress platform emerges as a notably intriguing option, primarily due to its expansive array of user...
WordPress is a powerful content management system that allows users to create dynamic and customizable websites with ease. One of the key features that...
Are you looking for WordPress themes for the website and cannot find a proper one? Below you’ll find all you may want to know about the customization...
Every second site on the Internet is built on WordPress. Anyone can make a website on their own – for this, you do not need to know programming, layout...
WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. More than 50% of sites are created on this engine. WordPress hosting can be either regular (free or paid...
Videos are an integral part of any blog or information resource. Thanks to them, the perception of content is greatly enhanced: studying instructions...
This little “PHP include” guide, will show you how to include a PHP-file in your WordPress theme (using a relative path). This snippet isn’t so much a...
This WordPress WooCommerce fix will allow you to remove the product-category slug from the URL in WordPress WooCommerce without using a plugin. Example...
Heres a little WordPress snippet that allows you to exclude the current WordPress post from the WP Query – i.e. list of recent posts, more posts from...
This snippet will allow you to insert WordPress shortcodes into your theme-/templates – using WordPress built-in function do_shortcode() Instructions...
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