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As a creative, you need a digital space to showcase your work to potential employers or clients, and for that matter to the world at large. That digital...
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There are situations when using a specialty theme will enable a web designed to proceed more easily and efficiently. But, in most instances a multipurpose...
One of life’s pleasures is discovering when some small action taken yields a highly positive, or even a game-changing outcome. A web designer could spend...
WordPress is an ideal platform for building your own portfolio, blog, or eCommerce site. It’s packed with all the basic tools you need to build a professional...
Advertise here via BSA Having too many WordPress themes to choose among is of course better than having too few. But there are times when searching for...
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[...] also animate any property like stroke width, fill opacity, fill color etc. Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: http://kimmobrunfeldt.github.io/progressbar.js/ License: MIT License Sponsors [...]
[...] of any chart provided herein (a total of 11 types and 17 subtypes). Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html License: Copyright (c) 2013, Baidu Inc [...]
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