WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...' Channel

HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Wordpress, PHP, Photoshop, jquery

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Aug, 2019Sep, 2019Oct, 2019Nov, 2019Dec, 2019Jan, 2020Feb, 2020Mar, 2020Apr, 2020May, 2020Jun, 2020Jul, 2020012Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsImages
? Average Article Length

'WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on...' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately WordPress Themes & Website Templates from ThemeForest | Webschool Free on... has no news yet.

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