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The post This interesting concept could save thousands of lives from plane crashes appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post Supercooling Effect appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post This robot is controlled by a digital brain of a worm, which was uploaded into the robot appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post Check out the stunning color of the Red Beach in China appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post Human lens successfully regenerated using stem cells appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post Scientists have created the most complex lab-grown skin so far, which grows hair and can even sweat appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post This ocean simulator is helping scientists learn how to harvest tidal power appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post New method uses laser to detect bacterial contamination on the food appeared first on Weekly Science.
The post Kidney stone under electron microscope appeared first on Weekly Science.
Here we see a malaria parasite, called Plasmodium yoelii, attacking rodent red blood cells. This infection leads to serious changes in the red blood cells...
The post Astronauts falling on the moon appeared first on Weekly Science.
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[...] World’s smallest engine The post This Week In Technology 16 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] .blogs.discovermagazine.com The post This Week In Science 18 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] Cars could be an enormous ecological and economical benefit to society appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] directly on neurons.geek.com The post This Week In Science 25 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] This Week In Technology 6 June, 2014 Source Electrical stimulation “mind-control”: http://is.gd/ [...]
[...] , dubbed Skype Translator, for Windows 8 later this year.bbc.com The post This Week In Technology 29 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] bike Home diagnostics New class of polymers World’s smallest engine The post This Week In Technology 16 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] ’s terms, it’s the most extreme form of water proof.news.byu.edu The post This Week In Science 1 June, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] a creature more closely related to humans: monkeys.blogs.discovermagazine.com The post This Week In Science 18 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] antibody that can dull the pain response by acting directly on neurons.geek.com The post This Week In Science 25 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] in one of the mirrors on a James Webb Space Telescope Array that was in the X-ray and Cryogenic Facility for Testing. During cryogenic testing, the mirrors will be subjected to temperatures [...]
[...] Apollo Command Module Space Shuttle Endeavor SpaceX Dragon V2 The post The evolution of spacecraft cockpits: 1964-2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] .space.com Revolutionary supersonic spray gun produces ‘flawless’ layer of graphene Graphene — composed of a single layer of carbon atoms — is widely hailed as a wonder [...]
[...] 18 May, 2014 New research shows unlimited heat conduction potential in graphene Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) in Mainz and the National [...]
[...] Webb Space Telescope Array that was in the X-ray and Cryogenic Facility for Testing. During cryogenic testing, the mirrors will be subjected to temperatures dipping to -415 degrees Fahrenheit, [...]
[...] , physicists believe they can create electrons and positrons from colliding photonstheguardian.com Researchers identify new molecule that can fight antibiotic resistant bacteria. [...]
[...] material that the UK government has invested £50 million in graphene research. wired.co.uk Researchers create super waterproof surfaces that cause water to bounce like a ball In a basement lab [...]
[...] World’s smallest engine The post This Week In Technology 16 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] .blogs.discovermagazine.com The post This Week In Science 18 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] Cars could be an enormous ecological and economical benefit to society appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
[...] directly on neurons.geek.com The post This Week In Science 25 May, 2014 appeared first on Weekly Science. [...]
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