Weight Training Blog
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Why use the partial deadlift. If you have any type of lower back damage this could be the key to your weight training.
Side bends build your obliques. Not only does this strengthen your core, but enhances your six pack.
The push press can raise our bench press, to new heights. Developing stronger shoulders, allows for heavier bench pressing.
The pullover is an assistance exercise. It may not be a major compound exercise, like the squat or dead lift. Still this exercise yields many benefits...
Football Workout 3 is designed to make you bullet proof. Alright at least B B proof, Clark Kent.This workout also concentrates on compound exercises.
Football Workout 1 is your off season power house. This is based upon the king of weight training. The Squat.
The power clean builds muscle and athleticism. Poor form in this exercise, quickly puts you, on the unable too perform list.
Football Workout 2 is your in season workout. Once a week during the football season, use this workout to maintain muscle mass.
Football strength training needs to cover speed, power and coordination. Can weight training do this? Yes.
Fast fat loss takes hard work. If you are willing to do the work. We are willing to show you how.
Anabolic Steroids are tempting. Who does not want an easy path to fitness. Problem is their path, does not lead to fitness.
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