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On July 3rd & 4th, we will have, as usual, our Forum, the place for more informal discussions. No decisions can be taken there, but the Executive Council...
At the request of Darko Sovran, wheelchair basketball referee and former IWBF Europe Executive Council member, IWBF Europe provided a coach to run a Training...
The IWBF Europe Competitions Commission is inviting clubs to enter the 2014 EuroCup competition. The results of the 2013 EuroCup events (EuroLeague,...
Farewell to a Friend: David Foden, 1st December 1948 - 28th April 2013 It is with our greatest regret that we inform you of the sad passing of David...
Ron Coppenrath returned from the hospital and is able to work a number of hours a day. During his emergency stay in the hospital he caught pressure sores...
Dear friends and colleagues, Last Monday, our Secretary General Ron Coppenrath has undergone surgery as was planned for months. The surgery seems to...
During the weekend of 04th - 07th April 2013, the 2nd referee refresher clinic in the cycles 2010 - 2014 was held in Vodice, Croatia. Due to economic...
The ALGARVE WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL OPEN is back, this year in Albufeira area (www.alfamar.pt), we guarantee a quality international competition, as well...
Champions Cup BSR Valladolid ESP-16 RSV Lahn-Dill GER-14 SSD Santa Lucia ITA-15 CD Fundosa Once ESP-07 RSC Rollis zwickau GER-11 Galatasaray...
Welcome to the Family IWBF Europe welcome the following persons who passed successfully for the referee examinations to the IWBF family. GRAZIANI, Marco...
For those of you who are interested to follow the EuroLeague rounds this weekend. Club Toulouse I.C., organiser of the EuroLeague 1 group C will have...
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