West Coast Canine Academy


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'West Coast Canine Academy' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'West Coast Canine Academy' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

About 'West Coast Canine Academy' Channel

Professional Dog Training in Victoria BC Canada

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1May, 2015Jun, 2015Jul, 2015Aug, 2015Sep, 2015Oct, 2015Nov, 2015Dec, 2015Jan, 2016Feb, 2016Mar, 2016Apr, 201601Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsImages
? Average Article Length

Short articles, prevailing on the channel, can be a good choice for 'West Coast Canine Academy' if they’re going to gain their audience’s sympathy with brevity. Also, there are a few medium-length pieces.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'West Coast Canine Academy' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains materials of a basic readability level, making up more than one third of its content.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately West Coast Canine Academy has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Happy New Year, let this be the year you challenge your dog to learn something n...

[...] Wow!  Here we are in 2014, it has been almost 4 years since we became West Coast Canine Academy, and it is thanks to all of you that we have had a very successful 4 years.  Our [...]

Christmas and New Year 2011

[...] support and dog-time that is always in the fore ground of what and who we are here at West Coast Canine Academy.  We have hosted numerous workshops both in herding and agility, we have hosted our [...]

West Coast Canine Academy happenings for Jan. 2013

[...] Happy New Year everyone.  All of us at West Coast Canine Academy, 2-legged and 4 legged, hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that 2013 will be [...]

Lee Lumb Herding Clinic, March 30 – April 2

[...] West Coast Canine Academy hosted the second annual Lee Lumb herding clinic over a windy, cold wet, and sometimes [...]

Professional Trainer’s Program successfully completed!

West Coast Canine Academy has just completed it’s first professional trainer’s program.  All the students are in agreement.  A great cou [...]

First week of Professional Trainer’s Program

West Coast Canine Academy has finished the first week of the Professional Trainer’s Program and everyone is having a great time.  Our novice do [...]

January 15, 2012!

[...] in February.  If you want to learn to be a dog trainer please check out the Professional trainers program page for more info.  Register as soon as possible to get a spot in this great [...]

Spring professional trainers program now up and running.

West Coast Canine Academy has started its third Professional Trainer’s Program this week.  We have a keen, new group and are looking forward to 6 w [...]

Make your own 2×2 weave poles for training weaves at home.

[...] training 2×2′s for very little $$  (Even less if you can find someone who has some left over pvc tubing or can find some on the side of the road like I did). You will need 9 1/2 feet of PVC tubing [...]

Make your own 2X2 weave poles.

[...] 2×2′s at home for very little $$  (Even less if you can find someone who has some left over pvc tubing or can find some on the side of the road like I did). You will need 9 1/2 feet of PVC tubing [...]

November 9 2011, long overdue news!

[...] some basic instructions.             You will need 9 1/2 feet of PVC tubing and 4 “T” joints for each set of poles, and a hack saw, and that is all. Buy 4 &# [...]

Next Professional Dog Trainer’s Program is fast approaching.

[...] overall socialization.  Many great agility dogs are rescue dogs that first came to agility classes to help rehabilitate them and socialize them, and build confidence.  They [...]

Christmas and New Year 2011

[...] the best stock dog trainers of young dogs in Western Canada. Please also note that all Agility classes are finished for the year.  We will be starting up again on the 8th and 9th, at the [...]

November 9 2011, long overdue news!

[...] they will be great for starting your dog off on weave poles. Finally, we have moved our agility classes into a beautiful indoor facility near the Saanich fair grounds.  There are no more [...]

West Coast Canine Academy happenings for Jan. 2013

[...] West Coast Canine Academy.  Canine First Aid, obedience classes for puppies and grownup dogs, agility classes, herding lessons [...] [...]

West Coast Canine Academy students give stellar performances at the AVID trial l...

[...] Congratulations to our agility students who competed at the AVID trial on the weekend of Feb 24/25/26. Ray and Rocky, in their [...]

Capital Comets fun trial, June 3 2012

[...] .  What a great showing they put on.  They did a great job as did many other of our Agility students who came out to run their young dogs for the first time or their seasoned dogs ‘ [...]

A Year at a Glance. 2014.

[...] saturday morning class all competing together for the first time. We are so proud of our Agility students.  Many of them are simply wanting to have fun with their dogs and have no ambition to [...]

November 9 2011, long overdue news!

[...] #8221;Hello there, will you be my friend???”  :-) On a different note, one of our agility students found a web site that showed how to make your own 2X2 weave poles.  Here are some pics [...]

Lee Lumb herding clinic 2014.

Last weekend West Coast Canine Academy hosted another clinic with Lee Lumb, world class stock dog handler and trainer from Vernon, BC. Thanks Lee for [...]

Lee Lumb Herding Clinic, March 30 – April 2

[...] West Coast Canine Academy hosted the second annual Lee Lumb herding clinic over a windy, cold wet, and sometimes sunny weekend.  Another fantastic, helpful and yes, [...]

January 15, 2012!

[...] or send her an email if you are interested in learning the tricks of the trade. The Lee Lumb herding clinic is nearly full.  We are excited about hosting this fantastic instructor once again [...]

Christmas and New Year 2011

[...] send them our way  .   On a different note, we are pleased to announce another Lee Lumb herding clinic for late March, early April.  See our workshops and Clinics page for more info.  Last [...]

West Coast Canine Academy agility students shine at local trial

[...] an injury so he was not competing this time. Lynn Erskine and Stirling got 2 Q’s, a starters snooker and a starters jumpers.  Sterling’s focus is improving by leaps and bounds, [...]

Results from Capital Comets Trial July 2012.

[...] . Rosalind and Eco: Won the Steeple Chase 22′ Specials, 2 Q’s, advanced Standard and starters Snooker. Lorraine and Cevannah: 2 Q’s, Masters standard and gamble. Kevin and Jethro: first [...]

West Coast Canine Academy students give stellar performances at the AVID trial l...

[...] Rocky, in their second trial ever brought in 3 Q’s in 3 runs.  Starters Gamble, Starters Snooker, and Starters Gamble.  Well done Ray and Rocky! Sarah and Rio Q’d everything [...]

Pro trainers program, deadline coming up.

[...] August is fast approaching.  If you are thinking about taking our course please call or email Julie soon.  Deadline is July 15.   Here is a pic of the WCCA people who went to regionals [...]

Pro trainers program, deadline coming up.

[...] August is fast approaching.  If you are thinking about taking our course please call or email Julie soon.  Deadline is July 15.   Here is a pic of the WCCA people who went to regionals [...]

Spring is in the air. April, 2014.

[...] .   We will soon be starting up a new round of obedience classes.  Please call or email Julie if you are interested in any of the wide variety of classes offered, from basic obedience, to [...]

Pro trainers program, deadline coming up.

The deadline for applications for the Professional trainers program starting in late August is fast approaching.  If you are thinking about taking ou [...]

Pro trainers program, deadline coming up.

The deadline for applications for the Professional trainers program starting in late August is fast approaching.  If you are thinking about takin [...]

Make your own 2×2 weave poles for training weaves at home.

[...] students have said they would like to progress in their weave training more quickly.  Training weaves is the hardest, most complicated, sometimes most confusing, and most rewarding skill [...]

Make your own 2×2 weave poles for training weaves at home.

[...] students have said they would like to progress in their weave training more quickly.  Training weaves is the hardest, most complicated, sometimes most confusing, and most rewarding skill [...]

?Key Phrases
Happy New Year, let this be the year you challenge your dog to learn something n...

[...] Wow!  Here we are in 2014, it has been almost 4 years since we became West Coast Canine Academy, and it is thanks to all of you that we have had a very successful 4 years.  Our [...]

Christmas and New Year 2011

[...] support and dog-time that is always in the fore ground of what and who we are here at West Coast Canine Academy.  We have hosted numerous workshops both in herding and agility, we have hosted our [...]

West Coast Canine Academy happenings for Jan. 2013

[...] Happy New Year everyone.  All of us at West Coast Canine Academy, 2-legged and 4 legged, hope you had a wonderful holiday season and that 2013 will be [...]

Lee Lumb Herding Clinic, March 30 – April 2

[...] West Coast Canine Academy hosted the second annual Lee Lumb herding clinic over a windy, cold wet, and sometimes [...]

? Locations
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.2

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