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Russian Governor and Businessman, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov Abduction 1997 Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the Governor of the Russian republic of Kalmykia, is a very well...
Adams Calendar is considered to be, according to Michael Tellinger, the oldest man made structure on earth. It is located in Southern Africa amongst thousands...
Puma Punku is a wondrous set of ruins located in the in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco of Bolivia. Filled with massive, precisely cut stones, these very...
Easter Island, a very remote and mostly uninhabited location in the southern Pacific Ocean, holds over 800 massive megalith structures called Moai. These...
The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient designs etched into a plateau in the Nazca Desert of Peru. The etchings extend about 50 miles, with some individual...
Vimanas are ancient “mythical” aircraft, which were written about in the Vedas texts or scriptures in India between 500B.C. and 1,000 B.C...
Ancient Aliens: The Anunnaki people were a group of Sumerian Gods meaning, “those of royal blood” or “those who come from the sky&...
This is very recent video footage captured by a CNN news helicopter in the Phoenix area of Arizona on July 5th, 2011. It shows two unidentified flying...
Are we alone? Are present and past humans influenced by life beyond our planet? Do we have proof of aliens on our earth from ancient times? What are aliens...
The Sighting On January 5, 2000 at 4:00am, a large UFO was sighted by a southern Illinois resident as well as four Metro East-area police officers. Melvern...
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[...] had for centuries. Over the last few decades, we have awakened the interest and awareness of ancient aliens with the increasing amount of research and popular culture. Researchers, scientists, and UFO [...]
[...] this supposed ancient airfield and one of modern day. The Interest of South America and Ancient Aliens: Nazca Lines It is theorized that ancient aliens were gravely interested in planet Earth&# [...]
[...] and this is why there are many uncompleted statues. Ancient Alien theorists believe that ancient aliens may have had a role in the creation of the Moai. There are a couple of different theories of [...]
[...] Ancient Aliens: The Anunnaki people were a group of Sumerian Gods meaning, “those of royal blood” [...]
[...] Easter Island, a very remote and mostly uninhabited location in the southern Pacific Ocean, holds over 800 [...]
[...] ancient sites around the world such as the Egyptian pyramids, Moai stone heads of Easter Island, and Nazca Lines. The History Channel’s popular show, Ancient Alienshas featured [...]
[...] Adams Calendar is considered to be, according to Michael Tellinger, the oldest man made structure on earth. [...]
[...] The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient designs etched into a plateau in the Nazca Desert of Peru. The [...]
[...] sites around the world such as the Egyptian pyramids, Moai stone heads of Easter Island, and Nazca Lines. The History Channel’s popular show, Ancient Alienshas featured ancient cilvilization [...]
[...] Puma Punku is a wondrous set of ruins located in the in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco of Bolivia. Filled [...]
[...] that they were indeed flown by humans and possibly extraterrestrial beings or Gods. What Are Aliens Team If we know where we come from, we’ll know where we’re going. [...]
[...] significant evidence that earth was visited by extraterrestrials in ancient times. What Are Aliens Team If we know where we come from, we’ll know where we’re going.” & [...]
[...] . We will let you decide for yourselves as “proof” is yet to be seen. What Are Aliens Team If we know where we come from, we’ll know where we’re going. [...]
[...] that they had knowledge of such existing flying crafts in their area. Thank you. What Are Aliens Team If we know where we come from, we’ll know where we’re going. [...]
[...] very ancient and mysterious ruins have baffled archaeologists and researchers for years. Ancient alien theorists believe that there may be only one explanation of such amazing workmanship, which dates [...]
[...] of Vimanas are basically early mythical science fiction stories of ancient India, ancient alien theorists feel quite strongly that these flying machines were in fact real technologically advanced [...]
[...] that these ancient aliens were capable of creating advanced technology. Some ancient alien theorists believe that these Anunnaki created early human beings on earth as a slave race in [...]
[...] Earth Adam’s Calendar is considered to be the sacred place where humans originated from. Zecharia Sitchen, a famous writer who translated the Sumerian tablets, referenced a scared place where “ [...]
[...] meaning, “those of royal blood” or “those who come from the sky”. Zecharia Sitchen, an archiaologist who exposed and translated thousands of ancient Sumerian clay tablets in [...]
[...] sightings. The second theory is the Aereon hypothesis, which compares the description of the UFO sightings to a “stealth blimp” flown and patented by the Aeron Corp. of Princeton, N.J. in [...]
[...] had for centuries. Over the last few decades, we have awakened the interest and awareness of ancient aliens with the increasing amount of research and popular culture. Researchers, scientists, and UFO [...]
[...] this supposed ancient airfield and one of modern day. The Interest of South America and Ancient Aliens: Nazca Lines It is theorized that ancient aliens were gravely interested in planet Earth&# [...]
[...] and this is why there are many uncompleted statues. Ancient Alien theorists believe that ancient aliens may have had a role in the creation of the Moai. There are a couple of different theories of [...]
[...] Ancient Aliens: The Anunnaki people were a group of Sumerian Gods meaning, “those of royal blood” [...]
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