Whole House Fans


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Whole House Fans' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Whole House Fans' Channel

Natural Home Cooling Call Today (949) 709-8194

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? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Whole House Fans' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Whole House Fans' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Whole House Fans' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Whole House Fans has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Save Money With a Whole House Fan

[...] bills, it’s time again to think about alternatives to air conditioning. One idea is a whole house fan, a very inexpensive energy efficiency system that provides a whole lot of cooling for little [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] Even if your home has air conditioning, consider installing a whole house fan. Whole house fans use far less energy than air conditioners and they cut cooling costs. In [...]

Ways to save with a whole house fan

[...] Cool your home with a whole-house fan Why? A whole house fan can help keep you comfortable in the summer for about 10% to 20% of the cost of central air [...]

Modern Whole House Fan vs. Air Conditioning

[...] still can take advantage of Mother Nature without camping out. The powerful but quiet whole house fan draws cool outside air in through open windows and doors and pulls the hot air inside the [...]

Natural Cooling – Make Your Air Conditioner More Efficient with by using a Whole...

[...] you can improve the performance without the expense of a total remove and replace project. Whole house fans are one of the best supplemental systems available. How Whole House Fans Work – A [...]

Title 24: California Energy Commission Approves More Efficient Homes for Califor...

[...] For years Comfort Cool Fans has been selling whole house fans with the claim that our fans help save homeowners up to 90% OFF their air conditioning [...]

Modern Whole House Fans Maximize Cooling and Minimize Cost

[...] The new style of modern and very quiet whole house fans can reduce and in some cases, eliminate your need for air conditioning except on the hottest [...]

Modern and Quiet Whole House Fans

[...] summer months.  This was in the 1960′s and 70’s.  This old style of whole house fans was a very big and noisy contraption that sounded like a freight train when it was operating. [...]

Modern and Quiet Whole House Fans

[...] Before air conditioning became popular many people used a whole-house fan mounted in the attic to cool their home during the summer months.  This was in the 1960& [...]

Ways to save with a whole house fan

[...] Cool your home with a whole-house fan Why? A whole house fan can help keep you comfortable in the summer for about 10% to 20% of [...]

Modern Whole House Fan vs. Air Conditioning

[...] porch. The cool outside air offered a natural reprieve from stifling interiors. Thanks to the whole-house fan, residents in mild or coastal climates still can take advantage of Mother Nature without [...]

Modern Whole House Fans Maximize Cooling and Minimize Cost

[...] the hot stale air out through your roof vents. For a morning “pre-cool,” run your whole-house fan just before sunrise, then close the windows to seal in the cool air as the day warms up. [...]

Why are ebm-papst fan motors more efficient?

[...] .” ebm-papst electronic commutation motors eliminate the AC slip loss to move more hot air out of your house for every kilowatt-hour of electricity. Learn more about the ultra- [...]

Modern and Quiet Whole House Fans

[...] . The concept of a whole-house fan is fairly simple.  While the fan is running, it pulls hot air out of your home and forces it into the attic and out the roof vents.  The hot air that is [...]

Ways to save with a whole house fan

[...] to help them both run more efficiently. If your house has been closed all day and is full of hot air, run the whole-house fan first to push out the hot air. Then use your central air conditioner to [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] fan. With your windows open, fresh, cool air is drawn into your home, forcing out the hot air. Your entire house is then cooled by outside air, without the needed help of your air [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] air. Your entire house is then cooled by outside air, without the needed help of your air conditioner. Remember not to run your air conditioner at the same time you use the whole house fan, [...]

Save Money With a Whole House Fan

[...] cooling for little money. A whole house fan costs just pennies a day to use, compared to an air conditioner, which can cost several dollars an hour to use. Because they’re so efficient and [...]

Natural Cooling – Make Your Air Conditioner More Efficient with by using a Whole...

[...] cost of a Comfort Cool whole house fan is only a fraction of what it cost to operate your air conditioner, allowing you to reduce your electricity usage by up to 90 percent. Depending on the size, a [...]

Modern and Quiet Whole House Fans

[...] cooler fresh air circulating through your home. One thing to be aware of is not to confuse whole-house fans with powered attic ventilators also known as attic fans.  A powered attic ventilator [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] attic down into your home. A whole house fan, however, draws cooler, outside air through your open windows and forces it through the attic and out through the roof vents. Your house and your attic are [...]

Save Money With a Whole House Fan

[...] temperatures drop, a whole house fan exhausts air from a home, sucking in cooler air through open windows and doors. Obviously, whole house fans work best at cooling when the outdoor temperature drops [...]

Modern Whole House Fan vs. Air Conditioning

[...] camping out. The powerful but quiet whole house fan draws cool outside air in through open windows and doors and pulls the hot air inside the home up in to the attic and out roof or gable [...]

Modern and Quiet Whole House Fans

[...] of the living space in the home is then replaced with cooler fresh air that is drawn through open windows from the outdoors.  The end result is cooler fresh air circulating through your home. One [...]

Manufacturer of ComfortCool Whole House Fan Motor Wins Award!

[...] reception at the AHR show in Anaheim, CA. Some significant points about ebm-papst’s: ebm-papst fans use as little as 1/3 the energy of industry standard fans! These fans run cool resulting in [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] house fans are designed to operate in the early morning and after sundown, when the outside temperature drops below 70 degrees. The idea is to turn off the air conditioning and to turn on the whole [...]

Modern Whole House Fans Maximize Cooling and Minimize Cost

[...] the cooler outside air. Maximum cooling with your whole house fan Whenever the outside temperature drops about 10 degrees or more below the inside temperature, open some windows and turn [...]

Modern Whole House Fan vs. Air Conditioning

[...] or a stairway in a two-story house, a whole house fan can be turned on as soon as the outside temperature drops about 10 degrees below the indoor temperature. The fan can be used to reduce or even [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] be brutally hot on a summer’s day. When heat is absorbed by your walls and ceilings, attic temperatures can climb to over 150 degrees. Even if your ceilings are well insulated and your home is [...]

Save Money With a Whole House Fan

[...] a home’s attic, and then out through the existing attic’s vents. That keeps attic temperatures down, a plus for the whole house. On a hot, sunny day, an attic temperature can reach 150 [...]

?Key Phrases
Save Money With a Whole House Fan

[...] bills, it’s time again to think about alternatives to air conditioning. One idea is a whole house fan, a very inexpensive energy efficiency system that provides a whole lot of cooling for little [...]

Should I Purchase a Whole House Fan even though I have Air Conditioning?

[...] Even if your home has air conditioning, consider installing a whole house fan. Whole house fans use far less energy than air conditioners and they cut cooling costs. In [...]

Ways to save with a whole house fan

[...] Cool your home with a whole-house fan Why? A whole house fan can help keep you comfortable in the summer for about 10% to 20% of the cost of central air [...]

Modern Whole House Fan vs. Air Conditioning

[...] still can take advantage of Mother Nature without camping out. The powerful but quiet whole house fan draws cool outside air in through open windows and doors and pulls the hot air inside the [...]

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