Wildflowers and Marbles


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Wildflowers and Marbles' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Wildflowers and Marbles' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Wildflowers and Marbles' Channel

Beauty in the Ordinary

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Wildflowers and Marbles' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Wildflowers and Marbles' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Wildflowers and Marbles' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Wildflowers and Marbles has no news yet.

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[...] our children may know, love and serve God. Filed under: Charlotte Mason, Classical Education, Home Education [...]

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[...] ! I hope you enjoyed Dr. Taylor’s talk as much as I did!  Are you using Good Books in your home education planning this year?  If you know of some sources for building on this idea of using Good [...]

I’m off to Denver – Catholic Home Educators Conference

[...] !  It should be a day of encouraging and sharing as we prayerfully consider another year of home education!! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam! Filed under: Home Education, Small and Ordinary Notes [...]

Begin at the Beginning: Board Book Delights & Good Book Habits

[...] is ready for the more sophisticated poetry of the Psalms or Shakespeare. {Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 161} It can be discouraging – your perfect little basket of books, a comfy chair, [...]

Good To Great: Teaching Literature From Grammar To Rhetoric

[...] the CiRCE Institute shared a 2003 conference talk by Dr. James Taylor on the topic of using the Good Books and the Great Books as part of teaching literature.  It is an extraordinary talk and I took [...]

Two Simple Ways to Prepare the Soil for a Classical Education

[...] great wit and vibrancy his early experiences with Dr. John Senior (the originator of the 1000 Good Books List – here is another excellent tribute worthy of reading) as part of the Integrated [...]

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[...] our very ordinary days. Read the rest at Schole’ Sisters and let them wonder…. Filed under: Classical Education, Guest Writing [...]

Let Them Wonder

[...] do you ensure that wonder is woven into the atmosphere of your ordinary days? Filed under: Classical Education, Home Education Tagged: guest, wonder [...]

Good To Great: Teaching Literature From Grammar To Rhetoric

[...] up a generation ready to step into the Great Conversation. Filed under: Charlotte Mason, Classical Education, Home Education, Living Learning [...]

Two Simple Ways to Prepare the Soil for a Classical Education

[...] on good ground and our children may know, love and serve God. Filed under: Charlotte Mason, Classical Education, Home Education [...]

Charlotte Mason Teaching Tuesday – See That He Knows – {Bonus: Silent Narrations...

[...]  And it is just as unhealthy intellectually as it is physically. One of the unique gifts of a Charlotte Mason education is that it meets the child EXACTLY where that child IS. Not where we are.  Not [...]

Begin at the Beginning: Board Book Delights & Good Book Habits

[...] a Bunny, your child is ready for the more sophisticated poetry of the Psalms or Shakespeare. {Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 161} It can be discouraging – your perfect little basket of books, a [...]

Good To Great: Teaching Literature From Grammar To Rhetoric

[...] offers an illustrative key!  Charlotte Mason lays the foundation through a liberal education of GOOD and worthy books and methods.   [...]

Two Simple Ways to Prepare the Soil for a Classical Education

[...] thinking about how to ensure that the atmosphere of my home, and the Classical principles and Charlotte Mason philosophy and method we live, and especially the books we read and experiences we enjoy [...]

Two Simple Ways to Prepare the Soil for a Classical Education

[...] , Scott, Dumas and the rest. {John Senior, Essay: The Thousand Good Books, The Restoration of Christian Culture} And in case you wondered how important real, touchable experiences like those spent [...]

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[...] can grow there. In letting them wonder, we do nothing less than our part in rebuilding Christian culture.  Without wonder there is snobbery, selfishness, a sort of anti-empathy.  You can look [...]

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[...] at the beginning of a day that we are literally, brick by brick, rebuilding a Christian culture through our very ordinary days. Read the rest at Schole’ Sisters and let them [...]

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[...] new feature I was VERY skeptical.  After all, one of the things I loved so much about the Erin Condren planner to begin with was how durable the laminated covers were.  How in the world could the [...]

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Two Simple Ways to Prepare the Soil for a Classical Education

[...] (one of which was, The Destruction of Sennacherib which he learned as part of the Integrated Humanities Program), and recounting how the written form insisted upon in the Integrated Humanities [...]

Let Them Wonder

[...] the foundation. Nascantur In Admiratione – let them be born in wonder.  (Motto of the Integrated Humanities Program, University of Kansas, 1966-1982) [cow_johnson general_float="right" [...]

You asked: What happened to the Learning Room?

I’ve shared with all of you that we are pursuing some remodeling plans. It’s exciting…and daunting. As I planned our booklists this summer, I k [...]

?Key Phrases
Two Simple Ways to Prepare the Soil for a Classical Education

[...] our children may know, love and serve God. Filed under: Charlotte Mason, Classical Education, Home Education [...]

Good To Great: Teaching Literature From Grammar To Rhetoric

[...] ! I hope you enjoyed Dr. Taylor’s talk as much as I did!  Are you using Good Books in your home education planning this year?  If you know of some sources for building on this idea of using Good [...]

I’m off to Denver – Catholic Home Educators Conference

[...] !  It should be a day of encouraging and sharing as we prayerfully consider another year of home education!! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam! Filed under: Home Education, Small and Ordinary Notes [...]

Begin at the Beginning: Board Book Delights & Good Book Habits

[...] is ready for the more sophisticated poetry of the Psalms or Shakespeare. {Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 161} It can be discouraging – your perfect little basket of books, a comfy chair, [...]

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