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When it comes to cycling, I train around 5-6 times each week. As most of us have quite a busy life and can’t fit in 2-3 hours of cycling each day, I aim...
The Alpe d’ Huez is a ski resort in the central French alps but it is also a hot spot for cyclists. You can ‘climb’ the Alpe d’ Huez in the summer which...
During the cyclocross world championships in Zolder, Belgium, the Belgian cyclist Femke van den Driessche got caught for ‘mechanical doping’. Inside the...
For anyone that loves to ride his bike wherever he goes this is an important question. I personally love to explore places on a bike but I am fully aware...
I always thought the Netherlands had pretty high prices on products, turns out it is nothing in comparison to Curacao. The plan was to don’t go all out...
After planning for a couple of months, it’s finally happening. I am going to Curacao for five months for my internship abroad! As you can imagine, me...
I really love cycling, either on the road or in the woods. But, especially during the fall and winter months, the weather can be quite bad. When it’s...
Normally you would see the Engineer Handbook right here but instead you see this post and a much altered website, so what’s going on? Well, I am barely...
A post went live by Gaile Gray today talking about upcoming changes to World vs World. As mentioned many times already, the ArenaNet staff is working...
In February I will be flying over to Curacao for my internship abroad. I will be staying there until the end of June. I am really excited for this internship...
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[...] Condition Damage is generally the most used stat for Engineer. It gets used a lot in WvW and PvP and there is [...]
[...] cover them. We will be using the 3kit setups so let’s compare the stats. Build: Rabid 3kit Condition Damage: 1542 Condition Duration: 70% Build: Dire/Rabid 3kit Condition Damage: 1553 Condition [...]
[...] . Do you want to deal maximum damage? Get an assassin/berserker set. Do you want to deal condition damage? Get a sinister or rabid set. This is really your own choice, go with whatever suits you as [...]
[...] . This is because our abilities are often strong both for the direct damage aspect as the condition damage aspect. A great example is the Grenade Kit, it offers you with conditions on every grenade [...]
[...] gets CC’ed. (+) Works well in combination with Static Discharge due to the low CD on the toolbelt skill. (-) Hard to pull off sometimes as it has quite a short range and is easily prevented. (-) [...]
[...] healing skill, it also works quite well with Static Discharge due to the low cooldown on the toolbelt skill. The Healing Turret requires some practice so have a look here. Tool Kit – excellent [...]
[...] multiple blast finishers. Rocket Boots: Great for escaping and can quickly combo with the toolbelt skill for healing turret, adding an extra little heal to give a bit more of a sustained amount of [...]
[...] fear/stun you with one of his downed abilities. Throw Mine – The Boonstrip.. wow. The toolbelt skill can remove up to 5 boons from your enemy so if the enemy has stability.. you can just strip [...]
[...] over the other. Keep in mind that this post is for WvW Only. Explanation of the skills The Elixir Gun is a kit weapon, this means you have to equip it which then grants you 5 skills. These skills [...]
[...] . We take the major trait Rifled Barrels which increases the range on both our pistol and elixir gun’s skills. This is stronger than you might think it is. The range increase on your pistol skills [...]
[...] at both range and close range. I was aware how strong Elixir Gun’s AutoAttack was and I wanted to make use of that. I tend looked at the access to on-crit [...]
[...] /Rabid. - Rifled Barrels: I want to be able to be effective at range as well as close range, Elixir Gun being the long range option and Grenade Kit being the close range option. 4 in Alchemy - [...]
[...] builds now have Giver weapons instead of Rabid or Dire weapons. This way you will go to 90% condition duration which you can up to 100% if you use Toxic Focusing Crystal. Toxic Focusing Crystals are [...]
[...] ;s get started. Let us start off by buying the Rune of Antitoxin. This rune gives us -24% condition duration while not losing on any condition damage as the rune provides us with that. It also [...]
[...] option is Rune of the Hoelbrak which is a cheaper alternative which provides 20% less condition duration on yourself instead of 7% damage increase. Sigils We take Sigil of Battle for the Might ( [...]
[...] option is Rune of the Hoelbrak which is a cheaper alternative which provides 20% less condition duration on yourself instead of 7% damage increase. Sigils We take Sigil of Battle for the Might ( [...]
[...] is already permanent without the the boon duration but it always helps as now simply using Healing Turret when off cd gives you the permanent swiftness. We take Fast-Acting Elixirs to reduce the [...]
[...] . These are just a few of the many good options we have. Utilities Healing Skill: we take Healing Turret because it is currently the best healing skill for us, keep in mind that there are a few [...]
[...] , it also provides you with a good amount of extra damage. Utilities Healing Skill: we take Healing Turret because it is currently the best healing skill for us, keep in mind that there are a few [...]
[...] damage or/and Sgil of Air as alternative for Sigil of Fire. Utilities Healing Skill: we take Healing Turret because it is currently the best healing skill for us, keep in mind that there are a few [...]
[...] for might stacking. Big Ol’ Bomb, the tool belt, is also a hard hitting disable timed blast finisher that will knock around scrubs without stability or blast finish just in time for your team [...]
[...] Elixir Gun is really good actually for the stunbreak, the leap to get away (which is also a blast finisher) and an addtional condition cleanse (which is also a heal!). Don’t want to [...]
[...] . Flamethrower: Increased damage of the flame jet by 33%. Flame Blast detonate changed to a blast finisher. Flame Blast now delivers strikes on each pulse. Air Blast – increased the cast time by 1/4 [...]
[...] . Flamethrower: Flame Jet: Increased damage by 33%. Detonate Flame Blast: This skill is now a blast finisher. Air Blast: This skill is now more visible when used. The attack of this skill has been [...]
[...] as much as possible to keep the cool down short so i can condition remove as much as possible. Tool Kit This is where i changed it up. I didnt feel the flamethrower was doing enough for me so i wanted [...]
[...] also works well in combination with Invigorating Speed. Power Wrench – reduce cooldowns on Tool Kit makes us able to use Gear Shield more often which is a good help. Skill usage You use Bomb Kit [...]
[...] Similar to the Leap Cancelling, you can also cancel your Magnet pull from the Tool Kit. This is a really nice thing to do as it will (most likely) force a dodge from your opponent [...]
[...] Kits TK: Tool Kit GK: Grenade Kit BK: Bomb Kit FT: Flamethrower EG: Elixir Gun MK: Med Kit Skills HT: Healing [...]
[...] more healing to your group, it’s fun watching those Green numbers fly by. Skills We use Bomb Kit because of the Elixir Infused Bombs trait that makes our Bombs heal. We take Elixir B for the [...]
[...] a fun playstyle and is really refreshing if you are used to playing with the Grenade or Bomb kit. (~Wolfineer) I’ve been using wolfineer’s HGH might-stacking build for a while on my [...]
[...] turn into a wall of text and to give a better understanding. Flamethrower instead of the Bomb Kit for a higher damage output. Assassins armor instead of berserker for a tiny bit higher [...]
[...] blastfinisher. The second major trait we take is Short Fuse which reduces the cooldown of your Bomb Kit’s abilities by 20%. Thanks to this trait we can control our enemy a lot better with blinds, [...]
[...] . You can do this by playing agressively and shutting him down thanks to your CC/Conditions. The Grenade Kit is Important for a Condition Engineer. The Grenade Kit applies a lot of pressure to a [...]
[...] Sigil of Earth really good for additional bleed stacks. I changed Exploit Weakness in the Grenade Kit HGH setup to Shrapnel as that is an a lot better trait than Exploit Weakness if you run Grenade [...]
[...] in PvP but barely of any use in PvE. The damage it does is simply much lower than that of the Grenade Kit and the Bomb Kit. That does not make it a bad kit though! Bomb Kit Bomb Kit: Equip a kit that [...]
[...] and you got yourself permanent swiftness. Alternatives If you decide to run with the Grenade Kit, it’s a good idea to take the Grenadier trait in Explosives. This will generate an [...]
[...] Torment instead of Sigil of Battle, so it now is Torment + Earth. Earth can’t be replaced. Backpack Regenerator over Protection Injection, Backpack Regenerator will generally do more for you. The [...]
[...] a point into one of the two traitlines you did not spend anything in yet. 60 Build We take Backpack Regenerator for the passive regen since we are in a kit 99% of the time anyways. 66 Build Get either [...]
[...] Condition 3kit got a build change and some additional information. The build change is: Backpack Regenerator instead of Protection Injection. the regen will generally do more for you. The additional [...]
[...] duration of the Quickness from Elixir U which again means more healing. The last one is Backpack Regenerator which will do a lot for us in terms of healing as we are in a kit almost all the time [...]
[...] on your Tool Kit. The second minor trait is also pretty nice to have as it recharges all your toolbelt skills at 25% of your health. This allows you to get another cripple off with the Throw Wrench [...]
[...] Discharge, this is an extremely strong skill when you have skills that have low toolbelt skills cooldowns combined with the traitline that reduces these cooldowns (Tools). Therefore, [...]
[...] Speedy Kits but the minor trait for 3 points is an excellent investment. It recharges your toolbelt skills ast 25% of your health which means a free extra stunbreaker from the Elixir Gun or a grenade [...]
[...] have 4 kits in your bar which means a total of 20 more skills, not even counting the toolbelt skills. The weapons are still really important for your build choice as there are builds that [...]
[...] Condition Damage is generally the most used stat for Engineer. It gets used a lot in WvW and PvP and there is [...]
[...] cover them. We will be using the 3kit setups so let’s compare the stats. Build: Rabid 3kit Condition Damage: 1542 Condition Duration: 70% Build: Dire/Rabid 3kit Condition Damage: 1553 Condition [...]
[...] . Do you want to deal maximum damage? Get an assassin/berserker set. Do you want to deal condition damage? Get a sinister or rabid set. This is really your own choice, go with whatever suits you as [...]
[...] . This is because our abilities are often strong both for the direct damage aspect as the condition damage aspect. A great example is the Grenade Kit, it offers you with conditions on every grenade [...]
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