Working Lives Working Lives
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A report suggests that the economy is picking up but we mustn’t stop spending or it’ll stall. This is in Management Today from the National...
Have you been listening to the History of the Office on BBC Radio 4? Many of the episodes are still available on iPlayer and for our money it’s...
Want to be a better boss? Well, have you considered getting fitter? That’s what an article on the BBC recommends here. It has of course been common...
Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps has called for laws making it easier to sack people in an interview with the Independent. He says his own 20...
Leaders of the FTSE 100 businesses are claiming ‘career politicians’ are holding business back, according to Real Business. They want more...
Lloyds Bank has made £2.1bn profit this year according to the BBC and elsewhere. The bank, which is part owned by we tax payers, could therefore...
Leicester-based Premier Logistics is to move its home to allow for greater expansion, says MotorTransport. The new premises will be the old Schlegle Automotive...
Morrisons is to close its depot in Swan Valley, Northampton, says the Northampton Chronicle. The company will be bringing in private haulage firms to...
Buckingham Palace offers no guarantee of work to its 350 part timers during the Summer, the Guardian has discovered. The casual workers are all on zero...
Following our coverage of Sports Direct and its laudable view on spreading benefits to its foot soldiers the other week, we have to publish the other...
The minimum wage is failing because inflation means it has fallen in value, says one of the minds behind it, Sir George Bain. A full report is in the...
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[...] coughed up £5m and will pay the same amount again by the end of the year, says a BBC report. This follows the outcry over large American corporations working around the tax laws [...]
[...] , then. Nonetheless communicating cars are being readied for launch in Germany, according to a BBC report. They will network with each other and [...] [...]
[...] Insurer Direct Line will be cutting back 2000 jobs in a cost cutting exercise, according to a BBC report. It is aiming to save a total of £200m a year – obviously the jobs are only part of [...]
[...] Secretary Vince Cable has said that making Scotland independent would cost jobs, according to a BBC report. The main cause, he believes, would be the break-up of Britain’s single market. [...]
[...] ’re being fined for lending to homeowners and businesses by the regulators, says the Daily Telegraph. The full and frankly bemusing story is here. [...]
[...] bad effects from the Government’s ‘Help to Buy’ housing scheme, says the Daily Telegraph. He is concerned about the distorting effect it will have on the economy and wants a deadline [...]
[...] rates are unlikely to go up by the end of the year as many had expected. Reported in the Daily Telegraph and elsewhere, the move sent markets up but [...] [...]
[...] up what would then be the world’s biggest open trade area according to a report in the Daily Telegraph. In principle this could bring in £100bn per year to Europe and in particular £ [...]
[...] Three quarters of people regret their career choices according to a report in Management Today. It does acknowledge the element of ‘grass is always greener’ in this. Refreshingly, people [...]
[...] There’s a good piece in Management Today this morning on the state of retail. It suggests the High Street is in trouble and it’ [...]
[...] Business secretary Vince Cable has confirmed the sell-off of the Royal Mail, says Management Today. Staff including your friendly postie will be allocated shares ahead of the rest of us. [...]
[...] an end to the e-cigarette market because it can’t confirm the safety of them. Management Today has published what looks like a good balanced review of the situation. [...]
[...] Real Business is carrying a report on older people starting businesses. The reporter suggests age is [...]
[...] Real Business reports that ratings agency Standard and Poor is forecasting a multi-million pound shortfall [...]
[...] thing that we’d normally file as ‘Friday Fun’ but it’s not Friday and Real Business has put it online today. So we’re sharing it now. Sir Richard Branson owns Virgin [...]
[...] Real Business is carrying a report on unclaimed VAT – businesses without knowledge of what they can [...]
[...] The Bank of England has a new boss – Mark Carney takes up his post as governor today, the BBC and other media confirm. He takes over at a time [...]
[...] Mark Carney will begin work as the Governor of the Bank of England on Monday, all the papers including the [...]
[...] Mark Carney’s first pronouncement in his first week as Bank of England Governor has been to state, in [...]
[...] HR professionals spend a third of their days answering trivial questions, says a report in Personnel Today. It seems most of the queries can be answered relatively easily through the staff portal. [...]
[...] Pay is falling in real terms, says Personnel Today – for the fourth year running, awards will be below the rate of inflation. The site [...]
[...] The now-defunct Woolworths brand was active in the courts earlier this week according to Personnel Today. The company had made redundancies as it closed but applied the letter of the law which said [...]
[...] agreements, pre-termination negotiations, charges for tribunals and a number of other things. Personnel Today has an excellent summary on its site. [...]
[...] ;s demise may end up costing customers £1m and could lose staff 300 jobs, says a Daily Telegraph report. The company will be the latest in a long line of big name retailers to vanish from the [...]
[...] delivery service – and will pay tax on it if it will help the High Street, says a Daily Telegraph report. The company’s boss, Dalton Philips, is calling for the tax to address the [...]
[...] Export orders are increasing in the service sector, says a Daily Telegraph report. Figures increased for 50% of firms in the sector, which is unprecedented since records [...]
[...] coughed up £5m and will pay the same amount again by the end of the year, says a BBC report. This follows the outcry over large American corporations working around the tax laws [...]
[...] , then. Nonetheless communicating cars are being readied for launch in Germany, according to a BBC report. They will network with each other and [...] [...]
[...] Insurer Direct Line will be cutting back 2000 jobs in a cost cutting exercise, according to a BBC report. It is aiming to save a total of £200m a year – obviously the jobs are only part of [...]
[...] Secretary Vince Cable has said that making Scotland independent would cost jobs, according to a BBC report. The main cause, he believes, would be the break-up of Britain’s single market. [...]
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