World Of Warcraft
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Our Community Spotlight for today falls on the 'Azerothian Tarot' Project. Artist Fredus-Rex has created a tarot trump deck based on Azerothian deities...
Blizzard has announced that they are no longer nerfing SSC and TK on the Weekly Reset. Earlier today, Blizzard announced that some nerfs would be applied...
A new murloc pet questline has been discovered in Legion Dalaran! Breanni sends you on a mission to uncover pet-stealing pirates, and helping her out...
It looks like Activision Blizzard is taking further steps to improve compensation among temporary contract employees, with increased wages and additional...
Blizzard has announced Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep raid nerfs for TBC Classic on the next weekly reset. Edit: These nerfs are no longer being...
Blizzard has shared more details on reserving your name for WoW Classic Season of Mastery, including the initial realms for name reservations. NA Realms...
A patch 9.1.5 change which avoided notice by many players added Warlords of Draenor garrison missions to the World of Warcraft mobile device app, allowing...
Rextroy and friends farm the Rift for 10k Archivist's Codex Reputation per Hour and 20K Research per hour along with Epic drops. Check out the video to...
Blizzard has published a support article about the missing Desmotaeron animaflow teleporter, revealing that the teleport is only available to characters...
Patch 9.1.5 brings with it some unexpected changes to battle pets and the way they gain experience, as well as adding one new pet. The changes to pet...
Dragumagu, the freelance artist from Brazil who previously created pixel art of the Shadowlands zones, dungeons, and raid bosses, has finished another...
Unfortunately World Of Warcraft has no news yet.
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[...] era of an Old Horde, forged with steel rather than fel blood. A union of great orc clans, the Iron Horde, tramples the planet Draenor beneath terrifying war machines. Azeroth falls next. Worlds [...]
[...] clan and left for dead. They survived as outcasts in the savage wilds of Draenor and when the Iron Horde called, these powerful warriors found a new home in the massive war machine. Flamebender Ka’ [...]
[...] era of an Old Horde, forged with steel rather than fel blood. A union of great orc clans, the Iron Horde, tramples the planet Draenor beneath terrifying war machines. Azeroth falls next. Worlds [...]
[...] are willing to sacrifice much to ensure the safety of their people. Can they triumph over the Iron Horde? Or will they fall to a foe more dangerous than any they’ve encountered before? We invite you [...]
[...] It’s time to take your place on the front lines of the galaxy with the StarCraft II: Battle Chest. Join the 7 million players who have already helped StarCraft II forge its place [...]
[...] enjoyed everything we had to share with you. We announced Overwatch, the third installment of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, a brand new expansion for Hearthstone– Goblins vs. Gnomes, Closed beta [...]
[...] including up to 65% off World of Warcraft and 50% off Diablo III, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. Venture over to the Shop [...]
[...] get access to this year’s epic collection of in-game goodies for World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Hearthstone, and Heroes of the Storm. Visit the Battle. [...]
[...] Battleground (it was incorrectly awarding the bonus Honor for any Battleground win). World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3 Updated: 10-28-2014 Note: For the rest of the pre-Warlords expansion patch notes, [...]
[...] World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3 Updated: 10-28-2014 Note: For the rest of the pre-Warlords expansion patch notes, [...]
[...] World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3 Updated: 10-28-2014 Note: For the rest of the pre-Warlords expansion patch notes, [...]
[...] list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 6.0.3. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new [...]
[...] featuring Metallica, and much more. You can still join us from home by purchasing a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, which grants access to two days of live HD coverage and unlocks this year’s lineup of [...]
[...] merchandise sale is underway! Starting today through November 11, BlizzCon attendees and Virtual Ticket buyers can score some cool BlizzCon-premiere loot through the Blizzard Gear Store. Gearing Up [...]
[...] Hardwick, the closing concert with Metallica, and more, you can still purchase a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket. The Virtual Ticket gives you complete access to content on the Main Stage and Panel Stage [...]
[...] —otherwise, you can tune in to watch the race live from the comfort of your home with the Virtual Ticket. [...]
[...] content. To help you plan your attack, we’ve broken down the unlock schedule for Blackrock Foundry and the third Draenor world boss – Rukhmar. Will you be ready? Those who plan to [...]
[...] bouquets. Visit our Love is in the air gallery for some images from this annual event! Blackrock Foundry [opening Feb. 3] This foundry was the ancestral home of the Blackrock orcs, wherein master [...]
[...] an item that grants access to missions that award Apexis Crystals. New Raid missions to Blackrock Foundry are now available for a cache that awards level 665, 680, or 695 items. New follower [...]
[...] Blackrock Foundry was the ancestral home of the Blackrock orcs, wherein master smiths smelted and worked the [...]
[...] The invasion of Azeroth is imminent. Beyond the Dark Portal, the destructive might of the Iron Horde gathers. Now's the time to summon your guildmates, arm [...]
[...] . Episode 2 features Cox and Crendor teaming up with special guest SmoothMcGroove to enter the Dark Portal and scramble to disrupt the Iron Horde forces in Tanaan Jungle. Watch as these three unlikely [...]
[...] and Heroic difficulties accessible. December 9, 2014 Mythic difficulty and the first wing of Raid Finder (Kargath, Butcher, Brackenspore) unlock. December 16, 2014 Raid Finder Wing 2 (Tectus, Twin [...]
[...] Molten Core One of WoW’s classic 40-player dungeons, Molten Core, will be available in Raid Finder for level 100 players (average item level 615 required). Making it through the [...]
[...] , add a spike!” You’ll need a minimum item level of 635 to tackle Blackrock Foundry via Raid Finder. The Foundry’s rewards range from item level 650 (Raid Finder) to 695 (Mythic). Let’s [...]
[...] in Spires of Arak. February 10, 2015: Mythic difficulty becomes available. February 17, 2015: Raid Finder Wing 1: Slagworks (Gruul, Oregorger, and The Blast Furnace) unlocks. February 24, 2015: Raid [...]
[...] to give a guildmate, friend, or dueling rival? You now have the option to send someone a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket as a gift through the Shop. The Virtual Ticket lets anyone watch two days of [...]
[...] tickets to the show, don’t worry—you can still get a front-row seat from home with the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket. BlizzCon is a gaming convention like no other. With developer panels, exclusive [...]
[...] featuring Metallica, and much more. You can still join us from home by purchasing a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, which grants access to two days of live HD coverage and unlocks this year’s lineup of [...]
[...] Chris Hardwick, the closing concert with Metallica, and more, you can still purchase a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket. The Virtual Ticket gives you complete access to content on the Main Stage and Panel [...]
[...] top eight 3v3 Arena teams in the world will kick off the Blizzcon 2014 World of Warcraft Arena Championship at ESL’s studios in Burbank. Watch all the action for free in HD here. Find links [...]
[...] converge in ESL’s studios in Burbank, CA to commence the BlizzCon 2014 World of Warcraft Arena Championship, and you’re invited to watch the action free in HD. Brackets and Matchups In [...]
[...] -elimination bracket on Saturday, November 8. For complete coverage of the 2014 World of Warcraft Arena Championship, including brackets, team profiles, and links to free streams in twelve languages [...]
[...] The BlizzCon 2014 Charity Auction is now live! Now through November 14, BlizzCon attendees, viewers at home, and anyone interested in helping out a great cause will have the [...]
[...] New loot is available in this year’s BlizzCon online merchandise sale for BlizzCon attendees and Virtual Ticket holders! We’ve just restocked the Blizzard Gear Store with over two [...]
[...] ’s BlizzCon® online merchandise sale is underway! Starting today through November 11, BlizzCon attendees and Virtual Ticket buyers can score some cool BlizzCon-premiere loot through the [...]
[...] era of an Old Horde, forged with steel rather than fel blood. A union of great orc clans, the Iron Horde, tramples the planet Draenor beneath terrifying war machines. Azeroth falls next. Worlds [...]
[...] clan and left for dead. They survived as outcasts in the savage wilds of Draenor and when the Iron Horde called, these powerful warriors found a new home in the massive war machine. Flamebender Ka’ [...]
[...] era of an Old Horde, forged with steel rather than fel blood. A union of great orc clans, the Iron Horde, tramples the planet Draenor beneath terrifying war machines. Azeroth falls next. Worlds [...]
[...] are willing to sacrifice much to ensure the safety of their people. Can they triumph over the Iron Horde? Or will they fall to a foe more dangerous than any they’ve encountered before? We invite you [...]
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