XtractPro - Data Extraction and Transformation
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I've always been fascinated by the unexpected ways some people succeeded in life. Biggest success stories have frequently an amazing legend behind. Nobody...
This article briefly presents data collection and aggregation concepts, then focus moves to data exposure, determined by user or business needs. The final...
This is an online strip generator, to interactively create cartoons from separate images. It was written in ActionScript 3, using Adobe Flex (MXML classes...
In over 20 years of software development, I designed and implemented over a dozen projects where migration of data and metadata from one database system...
This blog was created from scratch in ASP.NET few years ago. While you should rather consider today a free blogging/CMS solution using frameworks such...
One of my main areas of expertise I specialized on the last couple of years is fixing or getting done in a short laps of time software development projects...
Own website that collects, parses and documents signatures from the UserAgent string sent by browsers, web crawlers and other online tools. Tokens are...
Model Xtractor is a platform for online interactive class diagramming on preloaded metadata: .NET frameworks, third-party software products and libraries...
Up-to-date list of job boards and job sites for the Vancouver/Lower Mainland area, in British Columbia/Canada. There are dozens of such job boards and...
Table with number of hyperlinks from other web pages to acquire a higher Page Rank. How many links you must get from websites with PR1-10 to obtain PR...
Three different implementations of a Canadian federal and provincial Income Tax Calculator for 2008. As Excel spreadsheet, HTML-based solution in JavaScript...
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Web and Google scraper / HTML parser for data mining, SEO and business in...
With web data extraction algorithms, using PHP HTML parsers, we harvest URLs and contents of search engines like Google,...
BlackBerry Backup Extractor Blog: The BlackBerry Converter
Free and easy to use tool for extracting BlackBerry IPD backup data
IPhone Backup Extractor
Free and easy to use tool for extracting iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch backup data