Yoav Shalev
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Ever wondered what people are talking about when they speak about Social Media.. I think the following image sums it all: Cheers, Yoav
Its no secret that i am a national geographic fan! With global warming threatening our livelyhood and world popultion rising constantly i stumbled upon...
Hi Guys, Today i am going to share with you a very cool wordpress plugin I discovered. What this plugin does is enable you to hide content from your...
People don’t become rich or wealthy from doing everything on their own. There are only 24 hours a day. If you choose to do everything that you...
Hi, It has been a while since i posted anything professional on my blog but i thought that this may be interesting for people to know.. A few days ago...
Today I was sitting in class about my final project at school. The main issue that the presenter focused on was about time management. It made me realize...
Hi, I recently decided that i want to upgrade my blog from running over Sweetcron to the good old Word Press. I lately realized how powerful Word Press...
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