Adorn jewelry


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Adorn jewelry' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Adorn jewelry' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Adorn jewelry' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Adorn jewelry' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Adorn jewelry' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Adorn jewelry has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

My Moss Rings are Trendy!

[...] mossy pieces of ‘Living Jewelry’ are just part of a unique collection by Adorn Jewelry from Seattle, Washington. The silver plated rings are the second design [...]

Moss Rings Down Under

[...] Adorn Jewelry has gone global! While many of you lovely customers from around the world have purchased Adorn [...]

In Love with Moss

[...] . I nearly swooned... My pal Julie Jackson emailed me about the living jewelry created by Adorn Jewelry rightly thinking that they were perfect for gardeners. I ordered one almost immediately. [...]

Bluebottle Art Gallery

[...] Adorn Jewelry and Orange Peel Enamel are now available at Bluebottle Art Gallery. So, head on down to [...]

Miniature Mania

[...] , little worlds of landscape and towering vegetation. So, with the advent of my latest Moss rings, the discussion of tiny people keeps resurfacing. I love the reaction I get when I wear a ring [...]

Open for Business

[...] growing on the rocks on the beach below our room in Jamaica. The bright green reminded me of my moss rings. Now, with a light dusting of snow on the ground, all I can think of when I look at the photo [...]

My Moss Rings are Trendy!

[...] My new moss rings have been a real hit! Following is an article in Trend Hunter about my line of Living Jewelry... [...]

Moss Rings Down Under

Adorn Jewelry has gone global! While many of you lovely customers from around the world have purchased Adorn from my shop online, this is the first ti [...]

Moss Line Available for Wholesale

[...] I finished my wholesale packaging today for the 'Living Jewelry' that will be carried in retail shops. What do you think? I am enamored with the clear little [...]

My Moss Rings are Trendy!

[...] have been a real hit! Following is an article in Trend Hunter about my line of Living Jewelry... Tiny Putting Green Jewellery (TREND HUNTER) These mossy pieces of ‘Living [...]

In Love with Moss

[...] Trail's blog 'You Grow Girl'. I nearly swooned... My pal Julie Jackson emailed me about the living jewelry created by Adorn Jewelry rightly thinking that they were perfect for gardeners. I ordered one [...]

Holiday Shows

[...] This year I will be in two holiday shows, one in Seattle and one in Portland. Urban Craft Uprising is happening December 6th and 7th [...]

Three Shows, Three Cities

[...] to find affordable, well-made items imbued with hand-made goodness. I will be doing three holiday shows this year in three different cities. Two are happening this weekend in Minneapolis and Chicago [...]

Bluebottle Art Gallery

[...] Adorn Jewelry and Orange Peel Enamel are now available at Bluebottle Art Gallery. So, head on down to Capitol Hill for some [...]

Three Shows, Three Cities

[...] weekend in Minneapolis and Chicago and I will be sharing a booth with my sister, Jenny, of Orange Peel Enamel. No-Coast Craft-o-rama, headed up by the super crafty group Crafters Local 612, will take [...]

Bumbershoot 2008

[...] This past weekend was Bumbershoot, Seattle's annual local music and arts festival. The music lineup this year included Beck, Death Cab for Cutie, Band of [...]

Etsy at Bumbershoot

[...] Etsy came back this year to attend Bumbershoot, Seattle's annual local music and arts festival. Miss Batch and Objecked were there, joined by two EtsyRain (the Etsy [...]

Etsy at Bumbershoot

[...] know in the comments if I forgot to include you as a seller or if you stopped in to the booth.) Etsy Booth: adornjewelry Orange Peel Enamel Greenbelts Maluhia Finny's Funny Fleece imakecutestuff [...]

Exclusive Jewelry at the Walker

[...] while you are there. There are many great gifts to be founds, including Melissa Borell's Pop-Out Jewelry, Cardboard Safari taxidermy and Tokidoki blind box Cactus Pup figures. [...]

Etsy at Bumbershoot

[...] more cards and buttons created! Passersby were invited to create an Etsy account, chat with Etsy admin or sellers, or to just jump on the computer and check out what Etsy is all about. I was lucky [...]

?Key Phrases
My Moss Rings are Trendy!

[...] mossy pieces of ‘Living Jewelry’ are just part of a unique collection by Adorn Jewelry from Seattle, Washington. The silver plated rings are the second design [...]

Moss Rings Down Under

[...] Adorn Jewelry has gone global! While many of you lovely customers from around the world have purchased Adorn [...]

In Love with Moss

[...] . I nearly swooned... My pal Julie Jackson emailed me about the living jewelry created by Adorn Jewelry rightly thinking that they were perfect for gardeners. I ordered one almost immediately. [...]

Bluebottle Art Gallery

[...] Adorn Jewelry and Orange Peel Enamel are now available at Bluebottle Art Gallery. So, head on down to [...]

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