Babbling brooke
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Hey Guys, Remember that time I'd blog.... and keep you all updated on the little activities of our family. Its been EIGHT months since I did that......
Today I turned 33. Thirty-Three. Please forgive me, but that's sort of depressing. I'm officially a 30-something. 30 was kind of fun, kind of novel. ...
As per usual I have gone many months since my last entry... I don't know, I LOVE to write, like really, really. On the other hand, why write something...
Thirty days... They say you can break a bad habit (or add a great new one) in that time. I need some new ones people and I need to ditch a few (or fifty...
i've been a momma now for nearly 4 years. certainly i'm no expert, but i feel like i'm beginning to wrack up a little experience... but i'm stumped. so...
so i used to be the queen of new year's resolutions. every year i would make a list of very detailed goals for the year ahead and most of the time i'd...
My little puddin' pie is ONE today!! how can this be?? where did this year go? Elijah - my tiny main squeeze - has totally stolen my heart. I'm only...
my sweet rosalie insists on being tucked in every night when i'm not working and we have the most precious script that has to be followed each time.....
hey guys, remember that time i had a blog? and while i didn't update ALL the time, i did try to post at least once a month or something... and then we...
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[...] scared. there is so much riding on this semester. i've wracked up literally a small fortune of student loans (can't forget all those TNU loans i took out the first time around) - so those will need [...]
[...] souls to care for. to house, feed and cloth. oh yea, and a few bills to pay too... a mortgage. student loans - they don't much care if we've got an income or not. food is kinda nice too. my bub is an [...]
[...] on by a thread the last couple of years, trying to get me through nursing school. using student loans to fill in the gaps that me not working left in our budget. we looked forward to the day when [...]
[...] in the float pool though - get my experience while i can i guess. *** honesty alert *** my baby clock (what do they call that?!? time out to search this... thanks google - biological clock) is tick [...]
[...] to #8 in the list of awesome things. I'm sorry I announced to the whole internet that my "baby clock" was ticking... that was a bit much. Sometimes I think this little blog thing is just for [...]
[...] announced to the WHOLE internet (or at least the 7 of you who read this thing) that my "baby clock" was ticking?!? i blame that whole, silly, awful post on a large adult beverage that may [...]
[...] like a sweet little weed. she's talking up a storm and we're working on potty training. the little stinker is awesome at it, but ONLY if she's a little nudey running around with a bare booty. you put [...]
[...] sure for weeks he'd come early and i had had so many false alarms, but wouldn't you know the little stinker ended up being late. LATE! in fact i had scheduled an induction. and at 3:30 that morning, [...]
[...] doodle into a better sleep routine. guess what??? it's not working. at all. the little stinker now takes what are so warmly referred to as, "cat naps". sounds nice enough, [...]
[...] such occasions. awesome. i feel like a loser mom, but at least she won't starve. on to the grocery store we go. i get the diaper bag. my purse. my pile of cloth grocery bags - you know trying to save [...]
[...] . we looked forward to the day when i'd be employed and we could do things like go to the grocery store and not worry so much about the price of a box of cereal or you know, maybe have the funds to [...]
[...] and i can rocket through my day getting all the things done? eh, or maybe they'll just be super yummy?? the balls of energy are in fact yummy. thank you pinterest. i made it to the gym today - win. [...]
[...] twist though. For instance tonight we had "Stacked Veggie Enchiladas". They were super yummy and super healthy. Yum! I want to learn to cut an onion like they do on fancy cooking shows. [...]
[...] best L&D nurse possible? it's not like everyone runs around telling math teachers to be super awesome at ALL kinds of teaching... you've got to be skilled at what you do the best. hmmm... i'll [...]
[...] to be swaddled or confined in any way though - so he hates the car seat (makes car rides super awesome). he's strong and holds his head up like a tiny champ. he loves the swing and to be [...]
[...] 're not at least a little bit tired? 4) new school supplies. i'm all geared up for the new semester. i have fresh binders and folders and pens. organizing my school bag makes me happy :-) [...]
[...] ? Oh. My. Word. what a fabulous train wreck of daytime tv! So hello :-) First week of the new semester has come and gone. It's been intense. Lots of lecture. Lots of clinical orientations. Lots of [...]
[...] , we don't argue as much as it sounds!)... then you get that news and the world comes to a screeching halt. It's not worth it friends. Love your family. Cherish your family. Embrace your differences [...]
[...] all spelling errors and sloppy grammar :-) so - quick update... summer break is coming to a screeching halt - boo. BUT, i'm starting my last two semesters of school. woohoo! i've heard this year is a [...]
[...] scared. there is so much riding on this semester. i've wracked up literally a small fortune of student loans (can't forget all those TNU loans i took out the first time around) - so those will need [...]
[...] souls to care for. to house, feed and cloth. oh yea, and a few bills to pay too... a mortgage. student loans - they don't much care if we've got an income or not. food is kinda nice too. my bub is an [...]
[...] on by a thread the last couple of years, trying to get me through nursing school. using student loans to fill in the gaps that me not working left in our budget. we looked forward to the day when [...]
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