Balancing books while herding cats
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i'm on a new netbook; the plan is that it makes me more flexible and as such i can blog more than once every four months. which frankly is shockingly...
daughter #1 started school in august and the last few months have been spent negotiating the precarious way through new school nerves, sad school gate...
i’m eating a rice cake and i’m a bit cross. for one thing, my diet has so far resulted in me gaining weight. i think this might be due to a visit to centre...
i’m on a diet. it’s official: prêt sandwiches and buses into work = 3lb increase over 3 months. and i’m a bridesmaid in about 6 weeks; arghhh! the other...
i just glanced out of the window while i was on a conference call and saw a tramp pooing in a corner off princes street. i couldn’t see detail, but enough...
so where to begin?! it is nearly a month since my last blog due to easter holidays and work and normal life logistics meaning i only get near a computer...
so i'm just finishing my second week of gainful employment and how quickly one reverts to type. while i take my half hour lunch (as a contractor i feel...
i am employed! i have my first contract: 6-8 weeks working for a public sector client. yes, it was through an agent but i'm still chalking it up as my...
yesterday evening daughter #1 cocked her head in the mirror, tossed her hair over her shoulder and said "i really like the way you've styled this...
i'm sitting at my desk with the fire on, gas hissing away in a very lady's parlour sort of way so i feel somewhat decadent but unusually i'm not feeling...
i've got writers block. i knew it would have to happen, a glimmer of a true audience rather than just my dutiful family and badgered friends and suddenly...
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[...] deep mid-west accent is also manifesting itself when talking to #2 and saying "you're a cute litt'l fella, i love [...]
[...] they actually want to do is meet Q1 budgets and not be accused of frippery with regard to ad hoc consultant spend. however [...]
[...] was I fool? i had a part-time senior finance position in a well established company. as i sit wondering quite when i'll derive some cash [...]
[...] 'm sitting in starbucks ("what is starbooks?" daughter #1 asked in the car today after chris moyles had mentioned it: i particularly enjoyed her non-understanding of the leeds accent as it [...]
[...] raises a few questions in my mind. firstly why has my four year old taken to talking like scarlett o'hara? the adoption of a deep mid-west accent is also manifesting itself when talking to #2 and [...]
[...] vicar has chosen the table next to me at starbucks to gather his ministerial flock for a breakout session. he's just used [...]
[...] more aware of productive time hours and am uncharacteristically nervous of being branded a work-shy fob) i am guzzling down a gorgeous pret sandwich washed smoothly back with a can of ginger beer. [...]
[...] (and possibly rather optimistic) efforts i don't yet have a plethora of excited and keen-to-be-paying clients for my new go-it-alone venture. adam has suggested that i keep a blog of my [...]
[...] that they really want to pay for my services, when what they actually want to do is meet Q1 budgets and not be accused of frippery with regard to ad hoc consultant spend. however [...]
[...] few months have been spent negotiating the precarious way through new school nerves, sad school gate goodbyes, making new friends, not trying too hard, not trying too little. not her you understand; [...]
[...] deep mid-west accent is also manifesting itself when talking to #2 and saying "you're a cute litt'l fella, i love [...]
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